#3927 Project macro - improved sorting

42cc (432)

We already support sort=last_updated, alpha or random. Mark previously suggested registration date (I don't think this field is present, you can sort by "_id" and that will be good enough).


Tickets: #3985


  • Anonymous - 2012-03-22

    Originally by: dudarev

    Could you clarify this ticket? I have started by creating navigation menu just below 'Categorization' at http://localhost:8080/p/admin/ In that view I planned to have several options that could be chosen: "Last Updated", "Last Registred", and "Alphabetically". Now, I am not sure this is what is required. Could you guide me a little more?

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-03-22

    [[projects]] is a wiki macro that you can use on neighborhood-level wiki pages. Here are a few live examples:

    And here's an example with more parameters [[projects sort=random limit=8 display_mode="list"]] The code is in allura/lib/macro.py

  • Anonymous - 2012-03-23

    Originally by: *anonymous

    42cc corresponding ticket - #12: [3927] Project list sorting (2cp)

  • Anonymous - 2012-03-23

    Originally by: *anonymous

    Fixed #12: 3927 Project list sorting (2cp) - pushed changes into 42cc_3927 branch. I've tried to rebase it but with no success - lots of merge conflicts :/. If it's really necessary I'll try to do this later.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-03-26

    We actually have some tests for the [[projects]] macro already in Allura/allura/tests/test_globals.py (def test_macros) I grepped for [[projects to find them. Can you update the tests to be alongside the other similar ones in test_globals.py?

    There's a typo in "last_registred" Should be "last_registered"

    Rebasing would be tricky because this branch was based off of the 42cc branch which is pretty messy. I think it'll be simpler if future branches are based off of the latest "dev". And in that case you won't have to worry about rebasing, I can do it when I merge it back to dev.

  • Anonymous - 2012-03-26

    Originally by: *anonymous

    OK, we'll fork future branches for next tickets from your dev-branch.

    Now we've created a branch from our master, which contains all the code we've already written before and merged with your current dev-branch (we merge changes from a ticket to the master branch when the ticket is closed). Then, when everything's ready I merge our master into 42cc branch and push it to Allura. The same is for our #11 ticket. We need Makefile for our barista which was not present in dev branch before, so we did it this way...

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-03-30
    • status: open --> closed
    • size: --> 0
    • milestone: forge-backlog --> forge-apr-06

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