; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ; distributed with this work for additional information ; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ; with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ; software distributed under the License is distributed on an ; "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ; KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ; specific language governing permissions and limitations ; under the License. ; ; Allura configuration ; ; Default config values are shown in this file. ; Commented-out configurations are examples that you can use if you want. ; ; Logging configuration is at the end of the file (starting at [loggers]) ; ; There are many settings you should change for your site (name, domain, secret keys, etc) ; More settings should be changed for good performance in a production site (no autoreload, no debugging, etc) ; ; You may copy this file to make a new configuration file (e.g. production.ini) ; Or inherit from this file by starting your .ini file like this: ; [app:main] ; use = config:development.ini#main ; Then just use the new file name instead of development.ini for any paster commands you run. [DEFAULT] ; this section is for a few settings that are shared with error handling middleware ; WARNING: *THE LINE BELOW MUST BE CHANGED ON A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT* ; Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to ; execute malicious code after an exception is raised. debug = true ; If you want to receive an email for every unhandled HTTP 500 error, set your email address here: ;email_to = you@yourdomain.com error_email_from = paste@localhost ; SMTP settings for outgoing mail smtp_tls = false smtp_ssl = false ;smtp_user = some_user ;smtp_password = some_password smtp_timeout = 10 smtp_server = localhost smtp_port = 8826 ; Reply-To and From address often used in email notifications: forgemail.return_path = noreply@localhost ; ; Settings for `paster serve` command ; [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 8080 ; ; The main allura settings ; [app:main] use = egg:Allura ; Change this to your website's name site_name = Allura ; Change these to your website's domain domain = localhost ; Change this to your website's full URL base_url = http://localhost:8080 ; Change this to configure your image path and redirect link ; for the logo ; NOTE: specify your static.url_base before config this ; Save your picture in images folder ; Example: ..//images/ ; In default configuration you can place images under ; `Allura/allura/public/nf/images/` and specify file name below ; logo.link = / ; logo.path = sf10a.png ; logo.width = 125 (in px) ; logo.height = 18 (in px) ; Used to uniquify references to static resources, can be a timestamp or any unique value ; This should be updated each time you deploy (or make significant changes, like new tools, new css) build_key=1276635823 ; Used by Turbogears in some cases. Not particularly relevant for Allura. cache_dir = %(here)s/data ; Template cache settings ; See http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/api/#jinja2.Environment jinja_cache_size = -1 ;jinja_bytecode_cache_type = filesystem ;jinja_bytecode_cache_type = memcached ;memcached_host = ; Docs at http://beaker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html#session-options ; and http://beaker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules/session.html#beaker.session.CookieSession ; and https://github.com/brondsem/beaker-session-jwt#additional-config-options session.key = allura session.httponly = true ; set this to true if you use HTTPS session.secure = false ; CHANGE THIS VALUE FOR YOUR SITE. Can be a comma-separated list to allow for key rotation session.jwt_secret_keys = 330c2e698fcadfe46524b57223656404a47a9d80d76f8afb4cae34657247a1ea ; ; Settings for global navigation ; ; Override this to specify your custom navigation links global_nav = [{"title": "Site Home", "url": "/"}] ; Google Analytics account for tracking ;ga.account = UA-XXXXX-X ; Project registration system. Only local is available, unless you write a custom one for custom integration. registration.method = local theme = allura ; The responsive theme is a work in progress. See also "disable_entry_points.allura.theme.override = responsive" in this file ;theme = responsive ; These are the sizes of project icons that may be requested. They will be saved to the database. ; If your theme is going to support other sizes, update this list. ; If you remove sizes, you can clean up space in mongodb with e.g: `db.fs.remove({category:/^icon-84/}, {multi:true})` ; 48 is the historical default size ; user icons use: ; 16 in scm commits, wiki authors, etc ; 32 in nested comments ; 48 in standard comments ; and then 1.5x and 2x versions of all ; 90px for new large project icons, and 1.5x 2x 3x versions project_icon_sizes = 16 24 32 48 64 72 90 96 128 135 180 270 ; To use a custom image for default user profile avatars, specify a full URL here. Size 96x96 is best, 48x48 ok ;default_avatar_image = ; Disabled by default for security/privacy reasons. If enabled, md5 of email addresses will be used publicly to try to load gravatar images ;use_gravatar = true ; For LDAP see https://forge-allura.apache.org/docs/getting_started/installation.html#using-ldap ;auth.method = ldap auth.method = local ; in days, for the "remember me" checkbox on login auth.remember_for = 365 ; Customize login/logout URLs only if you have some custom authentication set up. auth.login_url = /auth/ auth.logout_url = /auth/logout ; the login fragement URL shows just the form, not a whole page. It is used within a login overlay on some pages auth.login_fragment_url = /auth/login_fragment/ auth.post_logout_url = / auth.min_password_len = 6 auth.max_password_len = 30 ; password expiration options (disabled if neither is set) ;auth.pwdexpire.days = 1 ; unix timestamp: ;auth.pwdexpire.before = 1401949912 ; if using LDAP, also run `pip install python-ldap` in your Allura environment auth.ldap.server = ldaps://localhost/ auth.ldap.suffix = ou=people,dc=localdomain auth.ldap.admin_dn = cn=admin,dc=localdomain auth.ldap.admin_password = secret auth.ldap.schroot_name = scm auth.ldap.use_schroot = false auth.ldap.password.algorithm = 6 auth.ldap.password.rounds = 6000 auth.ldap.password.salt_len = 16 ; "autoregister" allows users to log in to Allura with an existing LDAP account ; If using ldap, with autoregister, you should also set "allow_user_registration" ; to false below. ; Set "autoregister" to false to require user to register in Allura to create ; the LDAP record and Allura record for the user. auth.ldap.autoregister = true ; see also user_prefs_storage.ldap.* settings later auth.allow_user_registration = true auth.allow_user_to_disable_account = true auth.allow_edit_prefs = true auth.allow_password_change = true auth.allow_user_messages_config = true auth.allow_birth_date = true auth.allow_non_primary_email_password_reset = true auth.require_email_addr = true ; List of social network options to use on user account settings socialnetworks = Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon ; Allow uploading ssh key, optionally set ssh preferences url auth.allow_upload_ssh_key = false auth.upload_ssh_url = /auth/preferences/ ; In seconds auth.recovery_hash_expiry_period = 600 ; Some pages require users to reconfirm their password. This controls how long that lasts for auth.reconfirm.seconds = 120 ; TOTP stands for Time-based One Time Password ; it is the most common two-factor auth protocol, used with Google Authenticator and other phone apps auth.multifactor.totp = true ; Length of codes, 6 or 8 is recommended auth.multifactor.totp.length = 6 ; Time window codes are valid, in seconds. 30 is recommended auth.multifactor.totp.time = 30 ; secret key storage location. "filesystem-googleauth" is another option (compatible with Google Authenticator PAM plugin) auth.multifactor.totp.service = mongodb ; if using filesystem storage: auth.multifactor.totp.filesystem.basedir = /var/lib/allura/totp-keys ; recovery code storage location. "filesystem-googleauth" is another option (compatible with Google Authenticator PAM plugin) auth.multifactor.recovery_code.service = mongodb ; number of recovery codes to generate per user auth.multifactor.recovery_code.count = 10 ; length of each code. Must be 8 for compatibility with "filesystem-googleauth" files auth.multifactor.recovery_code.length = 8 ; Optionally enable password hash checks against haveibeenpwned.com during password changes, and disallow any ; that are known to be compromised auth.hibp_password_check = false ; if auth.hibp_password_check is true and this is also set to true, then a password reset will be forced ; either via the current session if the login ip is "trusted", or via a password reset email if not trusted auth.hibp_failure_force_pwd_change = true ; if auth.hibp_password_check and auth.hibp_failure_force_pwd_change are true, then this is used to determine if a ; login can be trusted to reset their own ip address. If set to false, then only the exact same IP can reset a ; HIBP-listed password without going through email auth.auth.trust_ip_3_octets_match = true user_prefs_storage.method = local ; user_prefs_storage.method = ldap ; If using ldap, you can specify which fields to use for a preference. ; Any fields not specified here will be stored locally in mongo user_prefs_storage.ldap.fields.display_name = cn ; Limit the number of emails a user can claim. user_prefs.maximum_claimed_emails = 20 ; Disabled tools by default when creating a user profile ; user_prefs.disabled_tools = ; Control the order of sections on the user profile page user_profile_sections.order = activity, personal-data, skills, social, tools, projects # append /profile to user profile's urls user_profile_url_with_profile_path = true ; Control the order of sections on the personal dashboard page personal_dashboard_sections.order = activity, tickets, merge_requests, projects ; Site admins will be the same as the admins of this project: site_admin_project = allura site_admin_project_nbhd = Projects ; Spam filtering service: this can be one or more of: akismet stopforumspam ;spam.method = akismet ; for akismet: ;spam.key = ; for stopforumspam, should be a listed_ip_*_all.txt file ;spam.stopforumspam.ip_addr_file = ;spam.stopforumspam.threshold = 20 ; 4 days: spam.form_post_expiration = 345600 ; Phone verification service: Nexmo Verify ; phone.method = nexmo ; phone.api_key = ; phone.api_secret = ; Language to use, if provider supports it. Values for Nexmo Verify: https://docs.nexmo.com/index.php/verify#localization ; phone.lang = en-us phone.attempts_limit = 5 ; Use phone verification on project registration (false by default) ; project.verify_phone = true ; Webhook timeout in seconds webhook.timeout = 30 ; List of pauses between retries, if hook fails (in seconds) webhook.retry = 60 120 240 ; Limit rate of webhook firing (in seconds, default = 30) ; Option format: webhook..limit, ; all '-' in hook type must be changed to '_' ; e.g. for repo-push webhook: webhook.repo_push.limit = 30 ; Limit max number of hooks that can be created for given project/app ; Option name format: same as above. ; Value format: json dict, where keys are app names (as appears in ; `WebhookSender.triggered_by`) and values are actual limits (default=3), e.g.: webhook.repo_push.max_hooks = {"git": 3, "hg": 3, "svn": 3} ;; Allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests to the REST API ; disabled by default, uncomment the following options to enable: ;cors.enabled = true ;cors.methods = GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE ;cors.headers = Authorization Accept Content-Type ; Allow clients to cache preflight responses for N seconds ; Set to 0 or remove completely to disable ;cors.cache_duration = 86400 ; Additional fields for admin project/user search ; Note: whitespace after comma is important! ;search.project.additional_search_fields = private, url, title ;search.user.additional_search_fields = email_addresses ; Additional fields to show in the result of admin project/user search ; Note: whitespace after comma is important! ;search.project.additional_display_fields = private, url, title ;search.user.additional_display_fields = email_addresses ; To make all pages use ssl: (also set session.secure above) ;force_ssl.pattern = . ; And to permit some URLs to be accessed over http anyway: ; /_test_vars is used when running `paster shell` ;no_redirect.pattern = ^/nf/\d+/_(ew|static)_/|^/rest/|^/nf/tool_icon_css|^/auth/refresh_repo|^/_test_vars ; Set the locations of some static resources. ("ew" stands for EasyWidgets library) ; script_name is the path that is handled by the application ; url_base is the prefix that references to the static resources should have ; If you use a CDN, put your CDN prefix in the url_base values and icon_base value ew.script_name = /nf/%(build_key)s/_ew_/ ew.url_base = /nf/%(build_key)s/_ew_/ static.script_name = /nf/%(build_key)s/_static_/ static.url_base = /nf/%(build_key)s/_static_/ ; static.icon_base = https://some.cdn/path ; Expires header for "static" resources served through allura (e.g. icons, attachments, /nf/tool_icon_css) ; 2 weeks: files_expires_header_secs = 1209600 ; EasyWidgets settings ; This CORS header is necessary if serving webfonts via a different domain ew.extra_headers = [ ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') ] ; In production, comment this out and it will default to 1 year. Update build_key whenever you deploy new code, instead. ew.cache_header_seconds = 0 ; If your environment (e.g. behind a server-side proxy) needs to look at an http header to get the actual remote addr ;ip_address_header = X-Forwarded-For ; browser permissions policy header ; Deprecated but still supported by older and new browsers features_policies = microphone 'none'; geolocation 'none'; camera 'none'; payment 'none'; document-domain 'none'; display 'none'; autoplay 'none' ; Replacement of Feature Policy permissions_policies = microphone=(), geolocation=(), camera=(), payment=(), document-domain=(), display-capture=(), autoplay=() ; Referrer Policy referrer_policy = 'same-origin' ; SCM settings for local development ; If you set up services for Git, SVN, or Hg that run on https://, ssh://, git:// etc, you can show corresponding ; checkout commands by adding new entries to these lists. Each one needs a name/key/title as shown below. ; The "key" must correspond to a scm.host.KEY.git or scm.host.KEY.svn setting further below. scm.clonechoices.git = [{"name": "File", "key": "file", "title": "Filesystem"}] scm.clonechoices.svn = [{"name": "File", "key": "file", "title": "Filesystem"}] scm.clonechoices.hg = [{"name": "File", "key": "file", "title": "Filesystem"}] ;scm.clonechoices.git = [{"name": "RW", "key": "rw", "title": "Read/Write"}, {"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https", "title": "HTTPS"}] ;scm.clonechoices_anon.git = [{"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https_anon", "title": "HTTPS"}] ;scm.clonechoices.svn = [{"name": "RW", "key": "rw", "title": "Read/Write"}, {"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https", "title": "HTTPS"}] ;scm.clonechoices_anon.svn = [{"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https_anon", "title": "HTTPS"}] ;scm.clonechoices.hg = [{"name": "RW", "key": "rw", "title": "Read/Write"}, {"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https", "title": "HTTPS"}] ;scm.clonechoices_anon.hg = [{"name": "RO", "key": "ro", "title": "Read Only"}, {"name": "HTTPS", "key": "https_anon", "title": "HTTPS"}] scm.host.file.git = /srv/git$path ; remote access varies by configuration. read/write configs can be set also, like: ;scm.host.rw.git = ssh://$username@localhost:2222/srv/git$path scm.host.file.hg = /srv/hg$path scm.host.file.svn = file:///srv/svn$path/ ; SCM settings for chroot + ldap configuration. See Allura/docs/getting_started/scm_host_ssh.rst ;scm.host.ro.git = git://git.localhost$path ;scm.host.rw.git = ssh://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.ro.hg = http://hg.localhost$path ;scm.host.rw.hg = ssh://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.ro.svn = http://svn.localhost$path/ ;scm.host.rw.svn = svn+ssh://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ ; SCM settings for https See Allura/docs/getting_started/scm_host.rst ;scm.host.https.git = https://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.https_anon.git = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.https.hg = https://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.https_anon.hg = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path ;scm.host.https.svn = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ ;scm.host.https_anon.svn = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ scm.clone.git = git clone $source_url $dest_path scm.clone.hg = hg clone $source_url $dest_path scm.clone.ro.svn = svn checkout $source_url $dest_path scm.clone.https_anon.svn = svn checkout $source_url $dest_path scm.clone.svn = svn checkout --username=$username $source_url $dest_path ; Only needed if different than "base_url" (e.g. if "base_url" isn't reachable from SCM hosts and you need an internal hostname) ;scm.repos.refresh_base_url = http://localhost:8080 scm.repos.root = /srv scm.repos.tarball.enable = false scm.repos.tarball.root = /usr/share/nginx/www/ ; scm.repos.tarball.tmpdir can be set to hold code checkouts before building the zip file. Defaults to scm.repos.tarball.root scm.repos.tarball.url_prefix = http://localhost/ scm.repos.tarball.zip_binary = /usr/bin/zip ; SCM imports (currently just SVN) will retry if it fails ; You can control the number of tries and delay between tries here: scm.import.retry_count = 3 scm.import.retry_sleep_secs = 5 ; When getting a list of valid references (branches/tags) from a repo, you can cache ; the results in mongo based on a threshold. Set `repo_refs_cache_threshold` (in seconds) and the resulting ; lists will be cached and served from cache on subsequent requests until reset by `repo_refresh`. ; Set to 0 to cache all references. Remove entirely to cache nothing. repo_refs_cache_threshold = .01 ; Enabling copy detection will display copies and renames in the commit views ; at the expense of much longer response times. SVN tracks copies by default. scm.commit.git.detect_copies = true scm.commit.hg.detect_copies = false ; One-click merge is enabled by default, but can be turned off on for each type of repo scm.merge.git.disabled = false scm.merge.hg.disabled = false ; Merge request viewing will fetch git info into existing git repositories. On ; deployments where writes in existing git repos are unwanted, clone to tmp dir ; can be used. ;scm.merge_list.git.use_tmp_dir = true ; Default limit for number of commits to show in a repo log page scm.view.log.limit = 25 ; Default limit for number of commits to show in Commit Browser page ; If you set this low, you will have more breaks in the graph and more likelihood for incorrect line visualizations ; Details at https://forge-allura.apache.org/p/allura/tickets/5496/#1b4a scm.view.commit_browser.limit = 500 ; Default limit for when to stop doing syntax highlighting (can take a lot of CPU for large files) scm.view.max_syntax_highlight_bytes = 500000 ; Max size for viewing a file from a repo, can take a lot of template processing (even with syntax highlighting disabled) scm.view.max_file_bytes = 5000000 ; Default limit for when to stop performing a diff (both side-by-side and default) scm.view.max_diff_bytes = 2000000 ; Max size for download a raw file from a repo scm.download.max_file_bytes = 30000000 ; Commit Status Support scm.commit_statuses = false ; bulk_export_enabled = true ; If you keep bulk_export_enabled, you should set up your server to securely share bulk_export_path with users somehow bulk_export_path = /tmp/bulk_export/{nbhd}/{project} ; bulk_export_tmpdir can be set to hold files before building the zip file. Defaults to use bulk_export_path bulk_export_filename = {project}-backup-{date:%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H%%M%%S}.zip ; You will need to specify site-specific instructions here for accessing the exported files. bulk_export_download_instructions = Sample instructions for {project} importer_upload_path = /tmp/importer_upload/{nbhd}/{project} ; If you want to allow importing resources from internally resolving hostnames, enable this: ;urlopen_allow_internal_hostnames = false ; To disable any plugin, tool, importer, etc from being available, you can use the disable_entry_points config option. ; Specify the keys and values as they are declared in the tool's "setup.py" file. ; Examples: ;disable_entry_points.allura.importers = github-tracker, github-wiki, github-repo ;disable_entry_points.allura.project_importers = github disable_entry_points.allura.theme.override = responsive ; Importers specifically, can be left enabled but not linked to. You have to know the URL to use it. Example: ;hidden_importers = trac-tickets ; GitHub importer keys. For github ticket import, it is best to set ; up an app at https://github.com/settings/developers Use the root URL ; of your Allura instance for both URLs, and enter client values here: ;github_importer.client_id = ;github_importer.client_secret = ; If your site has docs about specific importers, you can add them here and ; they'll appear on the import forms ;doc.url.importers.GitHub = http://... ; List of oauth API keys permitted to use special forum import API ; (should be converted to newer importer system) ;oauth.can_import_forum = api-key-1234, fa832r0fdsafd, f23f80sdf32fd ; space-separated list of tool names that are valid options ; for project admins to set for their 'support_page' field ; this field is not used by default in Allura, so this option ; is disabled by default ;support_tool_choices = wiki tickets discussion ; Control how /categories URL can be accessed to edit trove categories (used in project categories and user skills) ; Default: everyone trovecategories.enableediting = true ; Nobody: ;trovecategories.enableediting = false ; Site admins only: ;trovecategories.enableediting = admin trovecategories.admin.recommended.license = 188=MIT,401=Apache,679=GPL,680=LGPL,670=AGPL trovecategories.admin.recommended.os = 655=Windows,309=Mac OSX,201=Linux,728=Android,780=iOS trovecategories.admin.help.license = For help choosing a license, visit http://choosealicense.com/ ; ActivityStream activitystream.master = mongodb:// activitystream.database = activitystream activitystream.activity_collection = activities activitystream.node_collection = nodes activitystream.timeline_collection = timelines activitystream.enabled = true activitystream.recording.enabled = true activitystream.ming.auto_ensure_indexes = false ; Ming setup ; These don't necessarily have to be separate databases, they could ; be all in the same database if desired ming.main.uri = mongodb:// ming.main.auto_ensure_indexes = False ming.project.uri = mongodb:// ming.project.auto_ensure_indexes = False ming.task.uri = mongodb:// ming.task.auto_ensure_indexes = False ; A float from 0-1 representing a % of requests to measure timing on. ; Sampled requests will have timing logged to stats.log (can change file in [handler_timermiddleware] logging section) stats.sample_rate = 1 ; Taskd setup ; number of seconds to sleep between checking for new tasks monq.poll_interval=2 ; SOLR setup solr.server = http://localhost:8983/solr/allura ; Alternate server to use just for querying ;solr.query_server = ; Shorter timeout for search queries (longer timeout for saving to solr) solr.short_timeout = 10 ; commit on every add/delete? solr.commit = false ; commit add operations within N ms solr.commitWithin = 10000 ; Use improved data types for labels and custom fields? ; New Allura deployments should leave this set to true. Existing deployments ; should set to false until existing data has been reindexed. Reindexing will ; convert existing label and custom field data to more appropriate solr types. solr.use_new_types = true ; Incoming email settings. Used when you run: paster smtp_server development.ini ; address to listen to forgemail.host = forgemail.port = 8825 ; domain suffix for your mail, change this. You also need to route *.*.*.forgemail.domain to the above host/port via ; your mail and DNS configuration forgemail.domain = .in.localhost ; Specify the number of projects allowed to be created by a user depending on the age of their user account. ; Keys are number of seconds, values are max number allowed until that time period is reached. ; NOTE: this includes the default user-profile project, so you probably want to set any limits higher by 1. ; This example allows for up to 2 total projects if the account is less than an hour old ; and 6 total projects if the account is less than a day old. No limits after that. ;project.rate_limits = {"3600": 2, "86400": 6} ; Specify the number of artifacts allowed to be created in a project, depending on the age of the project ; Currently supports only tickets and wiki page creation rate limiting. ; Keys are number of seconds, values are max number allowed until that time period is reached ;forgewiki.rate_limits = {"3600": 100, "172800": 10000} ;forgetracker.rate_limits = {"3600": 100, "172800": 10000} ;forgeblog.rate_limits = {"3600": 100, "172800": 10000} ; Number of different wiki pages, tickets, etc that a user can create or edit, per time period, across all projects ; Keys are number of seconds, values are max number allowed until that time period is reached ; NOTE: wiki pages include the default "Home" page created for the user-project and any other projects created by the user ; NOTE: allura.rate_limits* cover posts to threads across all tools. ;forgewiki.rate_limits_per_user = {"60": 3, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200} ;forgetracker.rate_limits_per_user = {"60": 1, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200} ;forgeblog.rate_limits_per_user = {"60": 1, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200} ;allura.rate_limits_per_user = {"60": 1, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200} ;forgediscussion.rate_limits_per_user = {"3600": 1, "86400": 2, "172800": 4, "604800": 10, "2592000": 25} ; set this to "false" if you are deploying to production and want performance improvements auto_reload_templates = true ; How frequently users can send messages, in seconds user_message.time_interval = 3600 ; Max number of messages that can be sent within that time interval. user_message.max_messages = 20 ; Default number of times to show a sitewide notification ; See https://forge-allura.apache.org/docs/getting_started/administration.html#site-notifications site_notification.impressions = 0 ; When rendering discussion post Markdown to html, if the render takes longer ; than `markdown_cache_threshold` (in seconds), the resulting html will be ; cached and served from cache on subsequent requests. Set to 0 to cache all ; posts. Remove entirely to cache nothing. markdown_cache_threshold = .1 ; markdown text longer than max length will not be converted to html markdown_render_max_length = 200000 ; Don't add rel=nofollow to these domains when generating links from Markdown content ;nofollow_exempt_domains = ; By default project admins can soft-delete their projects. ; A soft-deleted project will still be in the database and visible to admins, but not to others. allow_project_delete = true allow_project_undelete = true ; Advanced settings for controlling "Last Commit Doc" algorithm used when visiting any repo browse page lcd_thread_chunk_size = 10 lcd_timeout = 60 ; Many URLs support a param like limit=50 This setting controls the max value allowed for that parameter. ; Allowing exceedingly high values may have a performance impact limit_param_max = 500 ; Hide private info (email addresses) in places like commit messages, since they cannot be edited. hide_private_info = true ; ; Settings for the Blog tool ; ; Enable or disable external RSS feed importing in ForgeBlog tool. ; Default is "false". This feature requires GPL library "html2text". Install it with following command: ; pip install -e git://github.com/brondsem/html2text.git#egg=html2text ; You will also need to run `paster pull-rss-feeds development.ini` in a cron job to fetch them. forgeblog.exfeed = false ; ; Settings for the Chat tool ; forgechat.host = irc.freenode.net forgechat.port = 6667 ircbot.nick = allurabot ; ; Settings for ShortUrl tool ; ; Override this if you set up an additional shortening mechanism (e.g. custom short domain) short_url.url_pattern = {base_url}/{nbhd}/{project}/{mount_point}/{short_name} ; ; Settings for UserStats tool ; userstats.count_lines_of_code = true ; ; Settings for Ticket tracker tool ; ; to avoid race condition, this needs to be a bit longer than the SOLR commitWithin delay. Values are in minutes ;forgetracker.bin_invalidate_delay = 5 ; Minutes to cache saved search "bins" numbers. 0 will disable entirely, so caches are permanent ;forgetracker.bin_cache_expire = 60 ; ; CSP Headers ; ; csp.report_uri = https://example.com/r/d/csp/reportOnly ; csp.report_uri_enforce = https://example.com/r/d/csp/enforce ; to enable enforce mode on frame-src ;csp.frame_sources_enforce = true ; frame-src list of valid sources for loading frames csp.frame_sources = 'self' www.youtube-nocookie.com ; to enable enforce mode on form-action ; csp.form_actions_enforce = true ; form-action valid sources that can be used as an HTML
action csp.form_action_urls = 'self' ; to enable enforce mode on script-src ; csp.script_src_enforce = true csp.script_src = 'self' www.google-analytics.com csp.script_src.extras = 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; to enable enforce mode on script-src-attr ;csp.script_src_attr_enforce = true csp.script_src_attr = 'none' ; ; Settings for comment reactions ; ; If you want to customize emoji list for reactions, uncomment following ini setting and add emoji codes ; as you wish. Supported emoji codes can be found at https://pypi.org/project/emoji/ ; reactions.emoji_list = :+1:, :-1:, :smile:, :tada:, :confused:, :heart: ; ; Optional settings for profiling with https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keas.profile ; [filter-app:profile] use=egg:keas.profile#profiler next=main ; ; setup for the taskd background daemon request controller ; [app:task] use = main ; TurboGears will use controllers/task.py as root controller override_root = task ; ; Logging configuration ; ; Add additional loggers, handlers, formatters here ; Uses python's logging config file format ; https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format ; [loggers] keys = root, allura, sqlalchemy, paste, ew, taskdstatus, timermiddleware, tmw_details [handlers] keys = console, taskdstatus, timermiddleware [formatters] keys = generic, timermiddleware ; If you create additional loggers, add them as a key to [loggers] [logger_root] level = INFO handlers = console [logger_allura] level = INFO handlers = qualname = allura [logger_sqlalchemy] level = INFO handlers = qualname = sqlalchemy.engine ; "level = INFO" logs SQL queries. ; "level = DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results. ; "level = WARN" logs neither. (Recommended for production systems.) [logger_paste] level = INFO qualname = paste handlers = [logger_ew] ; easy widgets level = WARN qualname = ew handlers = [logger_tmw_details] ; DEBUG will include every instrumented call in our logging level = INFO qualname = timermiddleware handlers = [logger_taskdstatus] level = INFO qualname = taskdstatus handlers = taskdstatus [logger_timermiddleware] level = INFO handlers = timermiddleware qualname = stats propagate = 0 ; If you create additional handlers, add them as a key to [handlers] [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [handler_taskdstatus] class = handlers.WatchedFileHandler args = ('taskd_status.log', 'a') level = NOTSET formatter = generic [handler_timermiddleware] class = handlers.WatchedFileHandler ; if you run 'gunicorn' in allura/Allura/ then that's where this file will be ; you may want to hard-code a specific directory here. args = ('stats.log', 'a') level = NOTSET formatter = timermiddleware ; If you create additional formatters, add them as a key to [formatters] [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S [formatter_timermiddleware] format = {"time": "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d", "level": "%(levelname)-5.5s", "name": "%(name)s", "message": %(message)s} datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S