class cmdummy{constructor(ref) {this.ref = ref;}getValue(){return this.ref.value;}setValue(val){this.ref.value = val;}refresh(){}focus(){this.ref.focus();}}......var mobile = (typeof window.orientation !== "undefined") || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') !== -1);if (mobile){$textarea[0].classList.add("CodeMirror");$textarea[0].CodeMirror = new cmdummy($textarea[0]);return;}
Yea I've noticed that too, super annoying. Sometimes it worked for me though, so at the time I wasn't able to get a good idea of what the problem was.
We should try upgrading SimpleMDE (a layer on top of CodeMirror). It hasn't been updated for a while, but there is a fork at We could also try updating just the CodeMirror part (that might require doing a simplemde build ourselves, I think I did that in the past).
Looking at CodeMirror bug reports, I've found which seems to describe the problem, and is still an open issue.
So might be best to detect the browser somehow (that is always tricky) and do a plain textarea. It'd be unfortunate to lose the toolbar and syntax highlighting, but better than typing not working.
[tickets:#8260] Codemirror on mobile devices doesn't work
Status: open
Milestone: unreleased
Created: Thu Nov 01, 2018 06:07 AM UTC by Ingo
Last Updated: Thu Nov 01, 2018 06:07 AM UTC
Owner: nobodyI love to write documentation on my Smart phone on the run. Currently this is not possible with Codemirror, as it doesn't handle a mobile Keyboard correctly.
- spaces are not handled or doubled
- some words are magically duplicated sonstiges,...
This affect all tools, as codemirror is widely used. Even this ticket is written in google keep and copied to the ticket ;)
A possibility to disable codemirror, or an automatic fallback to a plain textarea would be great. I personally don't use the toolbar at all, so I wouldn't miss that feature.
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