Git Merge Request #178: Fixes moderation queue linking to post replies (merged)



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Kenton Taylor wants to merge 2 commits from /u/kentontaylor/allura/ to master, 2017-01-27

Commit Date  
[6ec552] (kt/7232) by Kenton Taylor Kenton Taylor

[#7232] Fixes moderation links to paginated artifacts, hides reply link to unapproved posts

2017-01-26 16:21:02 Tree
[1c5744] by Kenton Taylor Kenton Taylor

[#7232] Fixes moderation queue linking to post replies

2017-01-18 19:13:51 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-01-19
    • url_paginated works better than {{post.thread.artifact.url()}}#{{ post.slug }} in cases where the post is on page 2 or 3, etc. url_paginated isn't implemented for all artifacts, but it is for all posts, so make sure it works right... :)
    • instead of if h.has_access(value, 'read') or == 'ok' it seems that we could just drop that whole if ... clause altogether. It seems like each post displays correctly based on its own status and we don't need to do a check at this level. (We don't have different actual permissions on posts, so the has_access always returns True if the visitor could view this page at all).
    • a test would be nice to cover this since its a bug. test_anonymous_post and test_thread would be good examples to work from
    • technically a separate issue, but I noticed it when testing this: there is a reply link on "Post awaiting moderation." posts which doesn't really make sense. It probably would be good to omit that (except for moderators/admins).
  • Kenton Taylor - 2017-01-26

    Merge request updated.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-01-27
    • Status: open --> merged

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