Git Merge Request #283: Fix tooltip issue (merged)



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Shalitha Suranga wants to merge 2 commits from /u/shalithasuranga/allura/ to master, 2018-09-27

This is fix #8233 tooltip issue

Commit Date  
[f20bff] (tooltipfix) by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#8233] Add notify message instead tooltip

2018-09-27 08:14:11 Tree
[b23b0b] by Shalitha Shalitha

Fix tooltip issue

2018-09-19 16:21:31 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-09-19

    This makes the hover tooltip work, but now when you click on the button, the custom tooltip for that doesn't show for very long like they were before (it only shows while hovering). Is there a way to make it work nicely for both initial hover and the message when clicking?

    If the tooltipster plugin can't do that nicely, maybe it doesn't need be used here and we could show the messages after clicking with the flash() function instead. That shows them in a different place on the page but that's fine I think.

    Lastly, can you put the ticket number at the beginning of your commit messages like [#8233]? Then it'll show up as a link and be easier to keep track of what commits go with what issues.




    Tickets: #8233

  • Hi.. Dave

    I will check tooltip issue further. Nice idea about commit messages


  • Hi.. Dave

    I used ticket id in new commits (of another PR) and will use in future too. Btw.
    $(link).tooltipster('content', text).tooltipster('show'); This code line manually triggers the tooltip so we don't need to worry about it I guess.?

    Can you please check

  • Any update regarding this

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-09-26

    Oops, sorry. Thanks for the reminder.

    Here's a screen capture to illustrate the problem I see. When you click on the button, it shows a special message and that used to stay on the screen for a few seconds so you could read it, but now it disappears real fast if you move the mouse away.

  • Hi.. Dave

    I have added notify message instead tooltip


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-09-27
    • Status: open --> merged

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