
Extension APIs and Entry Points

There are many extension points to extending Allura. They all make themselves known to Allura via python entry points defined in setup.py. Many are then available immediately. Others, such as authentication providers or themes, need to be specified in your .ini file, since you may only have one enabled at a time.

The available extension points for Allura are:

A listing of available 3rd-party extensions is at https://forge-allura.apache.org/p/allura/wiki/Extensions/

To disable any Allura entry point, simply add an entry in your .ini config file with names and values corresponding to entry points defined in any setup.py file. For example if you have ForgeImporter set up, but want to disable the GitHub importers:

disable_entry_points.allura.project_importers = github
disable_entry_points.allura.importers = github-tracker, github-wiki, github-repo

Other entry points are used to provide paster commands and easy_widget configuration, which are not part of Allura but are used by Allura.

Event Handlers

Another way to extend Allura is set up event handlers to respond to Allura events. There is documentation and examples at Events.

The events that allura publishes are:

  • project_created

  • project_updated

  • repo_cloned

  • repo_refreshed

  • repo_clone_task_failed

  • trove_category_created

  • trove_category_updated

  • trove_category_deleted

Markdown Macros

Most text inputs in Allura accept Markdown text which is parsed and turned into HTML before being rendered. The Markdown text may contain “macros” - custom commands which extend the Markdown language. Here’s an example of a macro that comes with Allura:


Include this macro in a wiki page or other Markdown content, and when rendered it will be replaced by an actual list of the project’s admin users.

Extending Allura with your own macros is simple, requiring two basic steps:

  1. Decide on a name for your macro, then create a function with that name, and decorate it with the macro() decorator from Allura. The function can accept keyword arguments, and must return text or HTML. For example:

    from allura.lib.macro import macro
    def hello(name='World'):
        return "<p>Hello {}!</p>".format(name)
  2. Add an entry point for your macro to the setup.py for your package:

    hello_macro = mypkg.mymodule:hello

Note that the key name (hello_macro in this case) doesn’t matter - the macro is named after the function name. Our example macro could be used in a couple ways:

[[hello name=Universe]]

For more help with macros, consult the source code for the macros that ship with Allura. You can find them in the allura.lib.macro package.