Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
{% extends g.theme.master %}
{% import 'allura:templates/jinja_master/lib.html' as lib with context %}
{% import 'forgeactivity:templates/macros.html' as am with context %}
{% do g.register_app_css('css/files.css', compress=False) %}
{% block title %}
{{c.project.name}} / {{c.app.config.options.mount_label}} / File Upload
{% endblock %}
{% macro path_links(parts, urls) %}
{% if parts != [''] %}
<a href="{{c.app.url}}"><b class="fa fa-folder-open-o" title="Root directory"></b></a> /
{% endif %}
{% for part in parts %}
{% if part != '...' and not loop.last %}
<a href="{{ urls[part] }}">
</a> /
{% else %}
{{ part }} {% if not loop.last %} / {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% block header %}
Files {% if folder_object %} - {{path_links(folder_path.split('/'), urls)}} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block actions %}
{% if c.user and c.user != c.user.anonymous() %}
{{c.subscribe_form.display(value=subscribed, action='subscribe', style='icon')}}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="main_div">
{% if h.has_access(c.project, 'admin') %}
<div class="upload_buttons" >
<a {% if folder_object %} href="{{c.app.url}}get_parent_for_create_folder?folder_id={{folder_object._id}}" {% else %} href="{{c.app.url}}get_parent_for_create_folder" {% endif %} class="admin_modal">
<button id="create_folder" type= "button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" {% if folder_object.disabled %} disabled {% endif %} >Create Folder</button>
<a {% if folder_object %} href="{{c.app.url}}get_parent_for_upload_file?folder_id={{folder_object._id}}" {% else %} href="{{c.app.url}}get_parent_for_upload_file" {% endif %} class="admin_modal">
<button id="add_files" type= "button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" {% if folder_object.disabled %} disabled {% endif %} >Add File</button>
{% endif %}
{% if file_objects or folder_objects %}
<col class="name_col">
<col class="date_col">
<col class="size_col">
<col class="author_col">
{% if h.has_access(c.project, 'admin') %}
<col class="actions_col">
{% endif %}
{% if h.has_access(c.project, 'admin') %}
{% endif %}
{% for folder in folder_objects %}
<tr {% if not folder.disabled %} title="{{folder.folder_name}}" {% else %} class="{{folder.folder_name}}"
title="{{folder.folder_name}} is disabled" {% endif %} >
<td {% if folder.disabled %} class="folder_dis" {% endif %} title="Click to enter {{folder.folder_name}}">
{% set icon_name = 'folder' %}
<a class="icon" href="{{folder.url()}}" title="Click to enter {{folder.folder_name}}">
<i class="fa fa-folder"></i> {{folder.folder_name|truncate(30)}}
<td title="{{folder.author.display_name}}">{{folder.author.display_name|truncate(30)}}</td>
{% if h.has_access(c.project, 'admin') %}
<div class="folder_actions">
<a data-toggle="tooltip" {% if not folder.disabled %} title="Publish" class="admin_modal" href= "{{c.app.url}}get_publishable_folder?folder_id={{folder._id}}" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %} ><i class= "fa fa-share" {% if folder.disabled %} onClick="return false"{% endif %} ></i></a>
<a data-toggle="tooltip " {% if not folder.disabled %} class="edit_icon admin_modal" href="{{c.app.url}}get_editable_object?object_id={{folder._id}}" title="Edit" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %}><i class="fa fa-edit" data-toggle='modal'></i></a>
<a data-toggle="tooltip " {% if not folder.disabled %} class="delete_icon admin_modal" href="{{c.app.url}}get_deletable_object?object_id={{folder._id}}" title="Delete" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %}><i class="fa fa-trash-o" data-toggle='modal'></i></a>
<a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" {% if folder.disabled %} title="Enable" {% else %} title="Disable" {% endif %} class="confirm-disable-folder" data-folder-id="{{ folder._id }}" data-folder-disabled="{{folder.disabled}}" data-folder-parent-disabled="{{folder.parent_folder.disabled}}" data-folder-disable-url="{{c.app.url}}disable_folder" ><i {% if folder.disabled %} class="fa fa-undo" {% else %} class="fa fa-ban" {% endif %}></i></a>
{% endif%}
{% endfor %}
{% for file in file_objects %}
<tr {% if not file.disabled %} title="{{file.filename}}" {% set url = file.url() %} {% else %}
title="{{file.filename}} is disabled" {% set url = '#' %} {% endif %} >
<td {% if file.disabled %} class="file_dis" {% endif %} >
{% set icon_name = 'file' %}
<a class="icon" {% if not file.disabled %} href="{{file.url()}}" title="Click to download {{file.filename}}" {% else %} href="#" {% endif %} >
<i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> {{file.filename|truncate(30)}}
<td title="{{file.author.display_name}}">{{file.author.display_name|truncate(30)}}</td>
{% if h.has_access(c.project, 'admin') %}
<div class="file_actions">
<a data-toggle="tooltip" {% if not file.disabled %} href= "#" {% if not file.linked_to_download%} title="Link" {% else %} title="Unlink" {% endif %} class="link_icon confirm-link-file" data-file-id="{{ file._id }}" data-linked-download="{{ file.linked_to_download }}" data-linked-url="{{c.app.url}}link_file" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %} ><i class= "fa fa-link" {% if file.linked_to_download %} id="disable_link" {% endif %}></i></a>
<a data-toggle="tooltip " {% if not file.disabled %} class="edit_icon admin_modal" href="{{c.app.url}}get_editable_object?object_id={{file._id}}" title="Edit" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %}><i class="fa fa-edit" data-toggle='modal' ></i></a>
<a data-toggle="tooltip " {% if not file.disabled %} class="delete_icon admin_modal" href="{{c.app.url}}get_deletable_object?object_id={{file._id}}" title="Delete" {% else %} class="disable_object" {% endif %}><i class="fa fa-trash-o" data-toggle='modal' {% if not file.disabled %} {% endif %} ></i></a>
<a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" {% if file.disabled %} title="Enable" {% else %} title="Disable" {% endif %} class="confirm-disable-file" data-file-id="{{ file._id }}" data-file-disabled="{{file.disabled}}" data-file-parent-folder-disabled="parent_folder.disabled" data-file-url="{{c.app.url}}disable_file" ><i {% if file.disabled %} class="fa fa-undo" {% else %} class="fa fa-ban" {% endif %}></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ lib.csrf_token() }}
{% else %}
<div class="no_objects" >
<i>No file or folder has been uploaded yet.</i>
{% endif %}
{% for file in file_objects %}
{% if not file.disabled %}
{% set name, text = file.readme() %}
{% if name %}
<h1 id="readme"> Read Me </h1>
{{h.render_any_markup(name, text)}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block extra_js %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{g.app_static('js/files.js')}}"></script>
$(this).on('click', function(e){
var folder_id = $(this).data('folder-id');
var folder_disabled = $(this).data('folder-disabled');
var folder_parent_disabled = $(this).data('folder-parent-disabled');
var folder_disable_url = $(this).data('folder-disable-url');
ConfirmDisableFolder(folder_id, folder_disabled, folder_parent_disabled, folder_disable_url);
$('.confirm-link-file').each(function(el, index){
$(this).on('click', function(e){
var file_id = $(this).data('file-id');
var linked_download = $(this).data('linked-download');
var linked_url = $(this).data('linked-url');
ConfirmLinkFile(file_id,linked_download, linked_url);
$(this).on('click', function(e){
var file_id = $(this).data('file-id');
var file_disabled = $(this).data('file-disabled');
var file_parent_folder_disabled = $(this).data('file-parent-folder-disabled');
var file_url = $(this).data('file-url');
ConfirmDisableFile(file_id, file_disabled, file_parent_folder_disabled, file_url);
{% endblock %}