Tree [db1a3e] master /  History

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .github 2024-01-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [ab11a7] [#8534] set up github codeql workflow
 Allura 13 hours ago Daniel Castillo Daniel Castillo [db1a3e] [#422] Fix on allura-api.json file
 AlluraTest 2024-05-17 Carlos Cruz Carlos Cruz [8a69cd] [#7272] Add custom bearer token feature and oth...
 ForgeActivity 2024-05-13 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [85a8e2] code cleanup using autopep8
 ForgeBlog 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [8d25b6] replace tabs with spaces in jinja html files
 ForgeChat 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [5c012d] delete unused jinja file with invalid syntax
 ForgeDiscussion 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeFeedback 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [8d25b6] replace tabs with spaces in jinja html files
 ForgeFiles 2024-04-03 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [1edc56] [#8556] simplify more calls
 ForgeGit 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeImporters 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeLink 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeSVN 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeShortUrl 2024-04-03 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [1edc56] [#8556] simplify more calls
 ForgeTracker 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 ForgeUserStats 2024-05-13 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [85a8e2] code cleanup using autopep8
 ForgeWiki 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [8d25b6] replace tabs with spaces in jinja html files
 fuse 2024-03-20 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [0d4808] [#8539] add bandit checks
 scm_config 2020-10-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [466bb4] Update favicon.ico and use it in docker; avoids...
 scripts 2024-06-19 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [74c103] make scripts/ work without ...
 solr_config 2016-11-17 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [cb9f47] Update docker images
 .asf.yaml 2022-04-20 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [119241] Add license header to .asf.yaml
 .babelrc 2015-12-18 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [157e32] [#7919] add license headers
 .env 2021-10-25 Dillon Walls Dillon Walls [2467de] [#8399] move default data location /allura-data...
 .eslintignore-es5 2016-07-21 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [e57943] Remove modernizr and some unused related classe...
 .eslintignore-es6 2016-01-26 Heith Seewald Heith Seewald [79b61a] [#8035] Separate .eslintrc into configs for ES5...
 .eslintrc-es5 2024-03-04 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [e832a1] [#8537] allow 'this' in JS functions, a common ...
 .eslintrc-es6 2016-01-26 Heith Seewald Heith Seewald [126f60] [#8035] Add jsx/react rules for eslint
 .git-blame-ignore-revs 2022-11-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [e7f78c] ignore a pure reformatting change
 .gitattributes 2013-10-08 Cory Johns Cory Johns [50edc7] [#6422] Use git archive to build release instea...
 .gitignore 2024-05-08 Carlos Cruz Carlos Cruz [ee46bc] Ignore .vscode settings folder
 .gitmodules 2009-12-01 Wolf Wolf [e4830b] Remove Ming submodule
 .jscsrc 2015-10-06 Heith Seewald Heith Seewald [cd45cb] [#7920] Add configured jshint and jscs
 .jshintrc 2015-10-06 Heith Seewald Heith Seewald [cd45cb] [#7920] Add configured jshint and jscs
 .pre-commit-config.yaml 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [2fb08c] add jinja linter to pre-commit
 Brocfile.js 2022-11-09 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [c5f56c] [#8476] upgraded underscore 1.8.3 -> 1.13.6
 CHANGES 2024-06-21 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [28c9b6] publicize security fix in changelog
 Dockerfile 2023-10-23 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [b4bb82] [#8524] upgraded installation steps for Node v16
 Guardfile 2016-01-19 Heith Seewald Heith Seewald [b07e55] Add license to guardfile
 INSTALL.markdown 2015-08-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [acd5b1] [#7915] more exact links into installation docs
 LICENSE 2023-04-05 Ellery Alvarez Ellery Alvarez [071bb2] [#8501] Removed twemoji
 NOTICE 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [67f9d7] Update copyright year
 README.markdown 2024-06-12 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [2b8b70] remove #allura irc mentions 2024-01-17 Dillon Walls Dillon Walls [70ab8c] add apache license to newly added
 docker-compose-prod.yml 2024-07-01 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [ba2dad] running with threads is good, for our prod example
 docker-compose.yml 2024-06-05 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [1337e8] remove deprecated version line from docker-comp...
 package-lock.json 2022-08-19 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [f6ffcb] Rmove node-sass npm dep (temporarily?) because:
 package.json 2022-08-19 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [f6ffcb] Rmove node-sass npm dep (temporarily?) because:
 pytest.ini 2024-05-08 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [84d905] [#7272] combine oauth1 and oauth2 settings onto...
 rat-excludes.txt 2024-01-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [fdbabc] more license headers on some files
 rebuild-all.bash 2023-06-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [7051ea] avoid unhandled error on bad input to /nf/markd...
 requirements-dev.txt 2022-11-07 Dillon Walls Dillon Walls [649503] [#8455] change pytest from dev dep to full dep,...
 requirements-optional.txt 2024-04-30 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [0aab2b] [#8557] update akismet version (optional) 2024-04-23 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [e83afa] pin docutils to v0.20.1 to keep compatibility w...
 requirements.txt 2024-07-08 Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz [881960] bump certifi 2024.2.2 -> 2024.7.4
 ruff.toml 2024-03-20 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [0ca517] [#8539] code simplifications
 run_tests 2023-01-13 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [44ddc9] [#8489] py3.8: fix warning about bufsize, switc...
 setup.cfg 2022-11-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [be3e33] change [pep8] to [pycodestyle] 2021-09-10 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [231463] [#8396] Revert "[#8386] remove chardet, make re...

Read Me

Apache Allura Logo

Apache Allura

Build Status
Build Status

Allura is an open source implementation of a software "forge", a web site that manages source code repositories, bug reports, discussions, mailing lists, wiki pages, blogs and more for any number of individual projects.

Allura is written in Python and leverages a great many existing Python packages (see requirements.txt and friends). It comes with tests which we run with pytest. It is extensible in several ways, most importantly via the notion of "tools" based on; but also with themes, authentication, and various other pluggable-APIs.


Table of Contents


Before hacking on Allura, you’ll need to get an Allura instance up and running so you can see and test the changes you make. You can install Allura from scratch, or by using our Docker container images. Instructions for these approaches can be found here:

To install Allura, see Allura/docs/getting_started/installation.rst or


You can learn about using Allura, configuring neighborhoods, managing projects and it's tools see Allura/docs/getting_started/using.rst or


Apache Allura is an effort for the community: an open source platform for sharing development. We think it should be of the community as well. We want to encourage community involvement in development, testing and design. We do that with a public git repo, a bug tracker, a discussion list and an IRC channel.

Developers interested in hacking on Allura or its components should see Allura/docs/docs/development/contributing.rst or

You can get in touch with other Allura developers on the developer mailing list (

To find more documentation, ask a question, file a bug, or contribute a patch, see the links on our website( If you're not sure where to start, join the mailing list and ask.