Tree [d34684] master / scripts / src-license-check /  History

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 README.txt 2014-12-18 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [ec9dac] Update scripts & docs for release
 build.xml 2024-01-09 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema [0a0c13] update RAT config to work with 0.16

Read Me

This is Apache Ant buildfile that can be used to do an automated license audit
of the local Allura codebase. To use it, you need to:

1. Install Apache Ant, version 1.8.0 or later. Apache Ant is very popular
software package and there are good chances it is already available in your
operating system's software repository. System-independent binary files are
available from in case you need them.

Be advised that Apache Ant requires Java Virtual Machine to work. For futher
details, head to

2. Download and unpack Apache Rat. Apache Rat is a release audit tool (hence
the name) used by Apache Software Foundation projects. It can be obtained from  After unpacking downloaded zip
or tarball, you should have a directory with several .jar files and a lib/

3. Make this directory with the Ant buildfile (build.xml file) your working directory.
Then execute `ant -lib [path to Apache Rat lib/ directory]`, for example:

ant -lib ../../../apache-rat-0.11

The buildfile will be parsed by Apache Ant and after a couple of seconds, you
should be presented with a file list along with potential licensing issues.

You should run this on a clean checkout / release of Allura, to avoid reporting
on local files.