Git Merge Request #187: Updated search query in ticket search to not show options from deleted tickets in filters (merged)



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Original repository by huzaifafaruqui is deleted


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-03-16

    This works well for the index listing of tickets, and the milestone page's list. However if you do a search, the search results use a different code path: paged_search and that needs filter_choices to be updated there too.

    IIRC, the search page queries solr, and index & milestone pages query mongo, which is why they work differently.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-03-24

    A little cleanup: there's no need to use q_ you can just update q to a new value.

    The kw.get('show_deleted',False) check needs to be updated a little bit. Its good to include that check, but if I'm not logged in then I don't have permission to view anything about deleted tickets. However, if I test that by copying a URL that includes deleted tickets, and paste it in an incognito window, then I still can see the values in the dropdown filter. I think this is because the show_deleted isn't just True or False. If you look at the places that call paged_query_or_search and pass show_deleted through, they do a has_access check. That check needs to apply to the show_deleted parameter too (called just deleted there).

  • huzaifafaruqui - 2017-03-31

    If I modified q then the modified query will appear in search results in the search field so I made a copy.
    If I modify & add

     elif deleted and not has_access(, 'delete'):
                deleted = False

    just after the has_access checks in both the RootController class and MilestoneController class, it will fix the bug mentioned

    • Dave Brondsema

      Dave Brondsema - 2017-03-31

      Ah, yep you are right about q.

      Can you push a commit with the change you describe? Then I can test it.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-04-03

    Getting close! This works for the index page and milestone pages. The search pages need a similar update

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-04-25
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2017-04-25

    I didn't notice the last update to this, sorry for the delay. I have merged it now.


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