Git Merge Request #146: Added project count and new design for neighborhood listing (merged)



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Rohan Verma wants to merge 6 commits from /u/rhnvrm/allura/ to master, 2016-08-08


Commit Date  
[0eb95c] (rhnvrm/design/neighbor_list) by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Made projects count a lazy property and made no neighbors found a div

2016-08-08 14:21:19 Tree
[c22707] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Improved design based on suggestions

2016-08-03 07:32:21 Tree
[17d858] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Added threshold of 100 to projects_count method

2016-08-03 07:12:09 Tree
[e705e5] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Update tests to match new neighborhood listing css classes

2016-07-26 08:25:20 Tree
[375839] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Finish Design changes in neighborhood listing

2016-07-26 07:54:13 Tree
[dc3113] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Added project count and new design for neighborhood listing

2016-07-26 07:25:12 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-01

    The project count logic is going to be really slow if a site has hundreds, thousands, or more projects. Unfortunately it is the correct logic so we can't really change it to make it faster. The options I can think of are:

    • don't do a project count at all
    • control it with a config setting, or better yet if the total M.Project.query.count() is bigger than some threshold, then skip the counts
    • cache the count values - but this doesn't really work with permissions since different people can see different projects

    Instead of having inline CSS the width & height for .placeholder could be in the CSS file.

    Should have </div> not </tbody>

    If a neighborhood name is long, you can't see the project count, and sometimes the name itself can be cut off. Maybe we don't want a fixed size for the boxes.

    Looks better than the previous :D

    • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-03

      control it with a config setting, or better yet if the total M.Project.query.count() is bigger than some threshold, then skip the counts

      I chose to add a threshold of 100 so it will appear as 100+ Projects. For testing I set it to 10.


      If a neighborhood name is long, you can't see the project count, and sometimes the name itself can be cut off. Maybe we don't want a fixed size for the boxes.

      Removed the grid-4 and instead added a min-width



      Instead of having inline CSS the width & height for .placeholder could be in the CSS file.

      Should have not

      Fixed :)


      Last edit: Rohan Verma 2016-08-03
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-05

    projects_count() gets called twice. Can set it to a variable in the template. Or make it a @LazyProperty (that will have it cache its result)

    It'll probably never run for anyone, but the "else" part that has <tr><td class="no-nbhds"> should be a div or something, since the table is gone.

    Looks good otherwise.

    • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-08

      Updated! :)

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-08
    • Status: open --> merged

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