Git Merge Request #148: Merge Request Filter Listing Updates and Merge Reject Confirmation (merged)



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Rohan Verma wants to merge 5 commits from /u/rhnvrm/allura/ to master, 2016-08-03

For previous discussion on this MR see (

Commit Date  
[a12ec5] (rhnvrm/design/mr-list-filter) by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Added new method to list all MRs and fixed the inconsistencies with the MR filtering UI

2016-08-03 11:17:21 Tree
[09c507] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Added confirmation before accepting or rejecting merge request

2016-07-18 20:19:26 Tree
[9867df] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

undo removing nested-grid-container

2016-07-26 09:20:28 Tree
[0902f1] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Updated design inline with suggestions and removed widget from codebase

2016-07-18 16:03:32 Tree
[1197a2] by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

Improve design of merge requests listing filter

2016-07-08 08:02:11 Tree


  • Rohan Verma - 2016-07-26
    • Summary: Merge Request Filter Listing Updates --> Merge Request Filter Listing Updates and Merge Reject Confirmation
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-07-27

    I think the SCMMergeRequestFilterWidget validation was actually doing one good thing. It was forcing the status var to be a list, which is needed for*status) to work. So the code needs to be updated to make status be a list or call that function differently. There is a aslist helper function we use frequently that might be useful.

    Also, if no status is given, it defaults to ['open'] so clicking on 'All' doesn't actually show all currently.

    And the status "closed" isn't used, it is "rejected". (Although in general it might be good to change that, but that'd be a separate ticket probably)

    • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-03

      have added a new method to list all MRs and fixed the UI issues and buttons submitting wrong status.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-03

    The all_merge_requests method didn't need the *statuses param, so I removed that as I merged it. Nice visual cleanup on this page!

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-03
    • Status: open --> merged

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