Git Merge Request #149: [#8110] fix for moderation queue items with long lines breaking layout in firefox (rejected)



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Rohan Verma wants to merge 1 commit from /u/rhnvrm/allura/ to master, 2016-08-03


This adds a scrollbar in firefox.

The other alternative was to use fixed width tables but it looks ugly and requires manually setting widths otherwise.

Commit Date  
[304913] (rhnvrm/8110) by Rohan Verma Rohan Verma

[#8110] fix for moderation queue items with long lines breaking layout in firefox

2016-07-31 05:23:22 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-01

    This works, but having to scroll left and right is a bit clumsy. How about forcing the text to wrap instead? I have done that in this merge request: Want to review that option?

  • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-03
    • Status: open --> rejected

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