Git Merge Request #156: [#8062] Added dot env file to remove need to rename directory (merged)



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Rohan Verma wants to merge 0 commits from /u/rhnvrm/allura/ to master, 2016-08-19

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  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-18

    Thanks for jumping on this right away :) I'm having troubles getting it to work. I'm in a dir called "allura-othername" and using this commit. I do NOT have COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=allura set. It works fine through most of the docker setup commands on a fresh VM, but then at this point it errors out. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    $ docker-compose run taskd paster setup-app docker-dev.ini
    Pulling outmail (allura_web:latest)...
    Pulling repository
    ERROR: Error: image library/allura_web:latest not found

    Also we'll need to put the Apache License header in this file, or add it to rat-excludes.txt if it's not possible to put a comment in the file.

    • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-18

      I did not face this problem while trying it in the release version folder allura-1.5.0

      I followed

       2939  docker-compose build
       2940  docker-compose run web scripts/
       2941  docker-compose run taskd paster setup-app docker-dev.ini
       2942  docker-compose restart solr
       2944  docker-compose up -d

      Although, while reading this I remembered about a bookmark that I have that might help. Maybe it is happening due to some stale image or the build failing in the previous docker-compose build step causing it to go look online on has a two liner through which you can delete all docker images on the machine and then try docker-compose build again

      Also we'll need to put the Apache License header in this file, or add it to rat-excludes.txt if it's not possible to put a comment in the file.

      dotenv files support # for comments. I'll add that and refresh the MR.

      • Dave Brondsema

        Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-18

        Yea I tried twice on a completely fresh host (using docker-machine and new linux VMs within virtualbox).

        I just upgraded to docker-compose version 1.8.0, build f3628c7 so my environment should support that .env file......

    • Rohan Verma - 2016-08-19

      I think the difference here is the allura_web:latest

      :latest is being added. I'll search on this and let you know.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-19

    I had set COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME= in my shell environment, thinking that blanking it out would remove it. But I was wrong, that actually set the env var but to an empty value, and prevented the .env file var from being used. After I properly removed the env var from my shell, now everything works fine.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-08-19
    • Status: open --> merged

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