Git Merge Request #262: [#8208] Personal Dashboard - Create Projects section (merged)



Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Checking if merge is possible...

Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Deshani wants to merge 0 commits from /u/deshani/allura-personal-dashboard/ to master, 2018-06-19

Determining commits...


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-06-19
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-06-19

    Looks good and pretty straightforward so I've merged it.

    As you can see the list of commits on this merge request shows a lot of older ones. The rebase suggestion I made on the last merge request should help fix that, so future merge requests will just have the new commits. Can you give that a try for the next one?

    • Deshani

      Deshani - 2018-06-20

      Sorry for that. I'll make sure next time


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