Git Merge Request #304: Adding emoji support for markdown (merged)



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Shalitha Suranga wants to merge 12 commits from /u/shalithasuranga/allura/ to master, 2018-10-23

Solves [#6923] and also will provide good support for comments (people nowadays frequently using emoji codes)

Commit Date  
[cf3d0e] (patch6) by Shalitha Shalitha

[#6923] Remove duplicate assertion and add case for commit message

2018-10-23 17:48:58 Tree
[04878f] by Shalitha Shalitha

Merge branch 'patch6' of into patch6

2018-10-23 17:29:20 Tree
[8a377d] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#6923] Add emoji support for commit messages

2018-10-23 06:30:58 Tree
[acf90d] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#6923] Add test cases for emoji extension

2018-10-23 06:29:13 Tree
[07107b] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#6923] Use emoji library and update regex

2018-10-22 07:08:29 Tree
[1f345d] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#6923] Change emoji image size

2018-10-22 07:05:06 Tree
[123c52] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

[#6923] Update twemoji js library to 11.2

2018-10-22 07:03:54 Tree
[77b90b] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

Merge branch 'emojicode' of into emojicode

2018-10-18 05:37:15 Tree
[ff774b] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

Adding emoji code support extension

2018-10-17 07:13:03 Tree
[d90361] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

Merge branch 'master' of

2018-10-17 03:33:29 Tree
[6de256] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga

Merge branch 'master' of

2018-10-15 08:09:07 Tree
[4f7fba] by Shalitha Suranga Shalitha Suranga , pushed by GitHub GitHub

Merge pull request #1 from apache/master

Taking latest changes

2018-10-05 04:33:18 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-10-23

    Pretty minor feedback but you have these lines twice in test_atomic:

    output = g.markdown.convert(':+1:')
    assert u'<p>\U0001F44D</p>' in output

    Are there any tests for markdown_commit? I don't see any, just TestCommitMessageExtension which tests that extension itself. Could you add a test that uses markdown_commit? It can be simple, just to make sure we have some basic test coverage of it.

    I don't know that we need a test for it, but I wanted to mention that I manually tested emoji codes within tables, links, etc and they all worked fine there too.

    • Hi.. Thanks for poiting our the duplication. I removed it and added test case for commit message testing. maybe I missed to add _commit there.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-10-23
    • Status: open --> merged

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