Git Merge Request #322: [#8259] Update Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and Cryptography python package from 1.4 to 2.6.1 (merged)



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Paul Bustios wants to merge 1 commit from /u/bustios/allura/ to master, 2019-03-22

[#8259] Updade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and Cryptography python package from 1.4 to 2.6.1, since Cryptography 1.4 does not work with the new version of libssl-dev in Ubuntu 18.04. Current version of Solr does not work with default-jre-headless (Java runtime 1.10) in Ubuntu 18.04, for that reason openjdk-8-jre-headless (default-jre-headless in Ubuntu 16.04) need to be installed instead.

Commit Date  
[662d67] (8259) by Paul Bustios Paul Bustios

[#8259] Update Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and Cryptography python package from 1.4 to 2.6.1, since Cryptography 1.4 does not work with the new version of libssl-dev in Ubuntu 18.04. Current version of Solr does not work with default-jre-headless (Java runtime 1.10) in Ubuntu 18.04, for that reason openjdk-8-jre-headless (default-jre-headless in Ubuntu 16.04) need to be installed instead.

2019-03-18 18:13:51 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2019-03-20

    Thanks Paul. This looks good, and I've manually tested the 2FA setup which is the main thing the cryptography library is used for.

    • Paul Bustios - 2019-03-22

      For some reason, I still don't see the changes in

      • Dave Brondsema

        Dave Brondsema - 2019-03-22

        Another good catch, thanks. Our docs updates doen't happen fully automatically. I've run the update script now so it's live.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2019-03-20
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Paul Bustios - 2019-03-21

    You're welcome :). Can we close ticket #8259 or is anything else to do?

    • Dave Brondsema

      Dave Brondsema - 2019-03-21

      Oops thanks for the reminder, closing it now!


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