LXj wants to merge 2 commits from /u/lxj/allura/ to master, 2015-09-23
Commit | Date | |
[#7871] ticket:852 Added a test for sending notification on wiki page deletion |
2015-09-21 12:41:54 | Tree |
[#7871] ticket:848 Added a notification after deleting a wiki page |
2015-08-29 12:09:01 | Tree |
How about adding a test for this? There's already a
method, and if you need an example of asserting that a notification was created, take a look atForgeDiscussion/forgediscussion/tests/functional/test_forum.py
Its methodstest_posting
have examples of querying and checking for notifications.Also a minor note about code formatting. This commit has two lines that are split into two lines. We don't follow PEP8's 79-char line length limit, so these lines can be combined into a single line and easier to read, I think. Anything up to 100, even 119 chars long can be ok.
Added a test, sorry for the delay