Git Merge Request #342: Email Added/Removed Mail Notifications (merged)



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Dillon Walls wants to merge 3 commits from /u/dill0wn/allura/ to master, 2020-05-27

Notify users via email when new address is added to account and when existing address is removed from account.

Commit Date  
[5fb355] (dw/email_change_notif) by Dillon Walls Dillon Walls

email_change_notif prevent new email notifications on site-admin

2020-05-27 15:01:02 Tree
[7ba264] by Dillon Walls Dillon Walls

email_change_notif email on primary changed, password recover, email verified

2020-05-22 16:44:09 Tree
[07b220] by Dillon Walls Dillon Walls

email_change_notif email added/removed mail notifications

2020-05-20 22:42:29 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-21

    Getting a test failure on: allura.tests.functional.test_auth.TestAuth.test_user_added_claimed_address_by_other_user_confirmed

    And when adding an email, the notice goes out and says "new email address has been added" but the verification step hasn't happened yet. Maybe we should notify only after it is verified? It wouldn't be as early of a notice, but would be clearer to the user. Or alternatively, use different wording in the notice. I'm not sure what wording would be real clear though.

  • Dillon Walls - 2020-05-22
    • 'email_added' email is not sent until new email is verified
    • Changing primary email sends an email to old primary
    • Included relevant emails in body for add, removed, primary changed
    • Password recovery now sends an email (not just password change on /auth/preferences/)
    • Updated relevant tests to pass
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-26

    Do we want these to happen when site admins do it from the admin page like /nf/admin/user/admin1? I'm thinking probably not, since it wasn't the user doing the change, and the admin might not even want the user to know they were making updates (if they were fixing a problem, dealing with dupe accounts, spam accounts, etc)

    Otherwise looks great

  • Dillon Walls - 2020-05-27

    Latest changes prevent the new email-related email notifications from firing if triggered from /nf/admin/user/...

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-27
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-27



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