Git Merge Request #343: remove displayname from wiki history/browse (merged)



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Dillon Walls wants to merge 2 commits from /u/dill0wn/allura/ to master, 2020-05-21

If a user removes or edits their displayname after making wiki changes, their old displayname would remain forever in the history. This can pose an issue for users seeking privacy.

Additionally, added links to the user's profile in these two places. And to the version of the wiki page.

Commit Date  
[96822b] (dw/wiki_username) by Dillon Walls Dillon Walls

wiki_username fix username url, user cards, added to issues

2020-05-21 20:34:34 Tree
[90373b] by Dillon Walls Dillon Walls

wiki_username remove displayname from wiki history/browse

If a user removes or edits their displayname after making wiki changes,
their old displayname would remain forever in the history. This can pose
an issue for users seeking privacy.

Additionally, added links to the user's profile in these two places. And
to the version of the wiki page.

2020-05-21 16:16:10 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-21

    If you also put class="user-mention" on the links, it should gain a nice hover card.

    On history pages, the eyeball icon on the right already is a link to a version, but doesn't hurt to have 2 links and your link on the version number is more obvious.

    In some cases a user's page won't be at u/theusername, for example if the username has certain punctuation or if a custom AuthenticationProvider wants it to be different. The auth provider has a user_project_url method that can be used, however it expects a full User object and would have to be tweaked to work with just a username.

  • Dillon Walls - 2020-05-21

    I added the nice hover card.

    I also made a new helper in lib/helpers to get user_project_url.

    I also added username urls and hovercards to a few places in issues.

  • Dillon Walls - 2020-05-21

    Last edit: Dillon Walls 2020-05-21
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-21
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-05-21



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