Git Merge Request #364: Underscores in user's mentions (merged)



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Guillermo Cruz wants to merge 2 commits from /u/guillermocruz/allura/ to master, 2021-08-24

Underscores in user's mentions parse correctly in discussion threads

Commit Date  
[1aa845] (usernames-underscore) by Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz

added test to validate parsing of usernames with underscores

2021-08-24 01:14:07 Tree
[a38a82] by Guillermo Cruz Guillermo Cruz

underscores in user's mentions parse correctly

2021-08-20 15:19:56 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2021-08-23

    A legacy username could have an _ at the end too, so it'd be good to add it to the a-z0-9 section at the end of the regex too.

    There are tests in TestUserMentions in which can be enhanced for this.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2021-08-24
    • Status: open --> merged

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