Git Merge Request #52: Ticket #8018 (merged)



Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Checking if merge is possible...

Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Pranav Sharma wants to merge 0 commits from /u/pranav/allura/ to master, 2015-12-02

Tested with developement.ini as -

auth.require_email_addr = true / false

Determining commits...


  • Pranav Sharma - 2015-12-02

    This is corrected for auth.require_email_addr = false.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2015-12-02

    Nice, that works for me now. I'm merging it. There are 2 things that I won't worry about for this ticket, but be mindful for next contributions:

    • parenthesis aren't needed after an if statement
    • commit messages should be like [#8018] description of what changed


    • Pranav Sharma - 2015-12-03

      I will keep that in mind.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2015-12-02
    • Status: open --> merged

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