Git Merge Request #57: Include Ticket Description in the api search results (open)



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Heith Seewald wants to merge 1 commit from /u/heiths/hsallura/ to master, 2015-12-10

Ticket Description should probably be included in the api search results (pagination can be used to limit result size).

Commit Date  
[a87dc1] (hs/tracker/api) by Heith Seewald Heith Seewald

Include Ticket Description in the api search results

2015-12-07 16:08:09 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2015-12-09

    There are a ton of tmp files that shouldn't be in this commit. Also the .eslintrc isn't necessarily a problem, but isn't really related to this API change, maybe better to keep it out of this commit.

    If you feel like adding a bit more into this, it might be a good opportunity to make the main tickets endpoint (before /search) include the same info too. Right now that just has summary and ticket_num for each.

  • Heith Seewald - 2015-12-10

    Got it -- I'll clean up the commit and try again.


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