Git Merge Request #89: [#8029] Submitter able to reject requests. (rejected)



Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Checking if merge is possible...

Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Pranav Sharma wants to merge 0 commits from /u/pranav/allura/ to master, 2016-02-05

Determining commits...


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-02-05

    Getting closer, but still a few things to adjust:

    • The message that is posted is "Status: rejected --> rejected" which isn't right. I think we need to keep the self.req.status = status line after the message posting, so the message has the right content.
    • if a project admin tries to update the merge request the regular way (e.g. set status to "merged"), nothing happens. I think the if statement in save( needs some more updates and testing of all the scenarios.
    • require_access will raise an exception not return None. has_access would be good to use instead.
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-02-05
    • Status: open --> rejected

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