Git Merge Request #99: [#4153] Rss feeds revisions. (rejected)



Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

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Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Pranav Sharma wants to merge 0 commits from /u/pranav/allura/ to master, 2016-03-10

Removed the bug.

Determining commits...


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-03-08

    Ok, that is working better now. One unrelated bug I found is that the formatting (e.g. line breaks, links etc) are lost in the RSS feed when you update it. Notice how in the code the original post logic uses g.markdown.convert(description), we need that for updates too.

  • Pranav Sharma - 2016-03-10
    • Status: open --> rejected

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