This appears in the logs when editing a ticket, but everything seems to work fine.
17:57:12,620 ERROR [allura.lib.markdown_extensions] Error adding <br> tags: new text is <p>abc<br/>defxjgimwge:artifact:0000</p> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dbrondsema/dbrondsema-7024/forge/Allura/allura/lib/", line 300, in run new_node = markdown.etree.fromstring(new_text) File "<string>", line 85, in XML SyntaxError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 15
This is making our error reports very cluttered
Turns out this was actually a problem with displaying markdown containing html tags that weren't closed, such as img tags. I fixed it by passing the text through beautiful soup to be tidied up if the xml parser couldn't figure it out. To test, save something like this for your project description and make sure a br tag shows up between the img and the text when it's rendered:
<img src="icon" border="0">
tested as Jenny recommended and that worked, merged to dev at 47e2a0b. Did not check the logs for ticket editing