- status: in-progress --> code-review
- size: 2 --> 1
it bloats like crazy
Wayne Davison
Yeah, I'm thinking that maybe when it loads up all the projects at the beginning, that's causing the ramp-up
if that's it, it should stabilize pretty soon
the problem is that we started migrating sfx users over to allura
which created 100k user projects that didn't exist before
would be nice not to pre-load a bunch of data
Wayne Davison
yeah, not pre-loading leads to cursor timeouts
use db ping calls?
Wayne Davison
I don't believe mongodb has those
but we can ticket up something to reduce the memory usage
looks like the thing is going to ramp back up to 3G
Wayne Davison
yeah, it does appear to be on its way
if so, we need to change its memory use or run it on a bigger host
Wayne Davison
it should be fine to run on a webhead
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