Copy the first two fields from essentially. That is, adding the URL field and providing it's "Suggest" button. But don't use "unix name" anywhere. And can s/project/p/ in the URL prefix
Validation work is in [#1815]
The sfx API doesn't enforce some constraints (like len(unixname) >= 3) so we need to make sure that it is enforced in the API or the Allura side.
This is ready for review on js/1724 in Allura and ForgeClassic.
To test:
1) Go to /p/add_project.
2) Enter a Project Name such as "New Project#"
3) Press suggest.
4) Observe that "newproject" is suggested for the url and that a message states it is available.
5) Click Start and observe project is created correctly.
6) Do steps 1-3 over, but observe a message that states it is not available.
Note: The sandbox test data does not seem to include the default allura projects, so entering "test" will not trigger the not available message. It does work for any projects you create once the sandbox is built.
Appearance tweaks and tests are on js/1724.