with 874 files.
PFS list response is quick, as is the PFS readme search. Instrumentation stats (pssh sfs-consume "grep boost/files/boost/1.46.1/: /var/log/sfpy/2011/04/*/stats.log") aren't super clear - some indication of mongo, some uncaptured time.
Aggregating stats for subfolders is expensive, but this folder has no subfolders. Ideas for improvement:
Worth adding is that we probably should figure out and define what is a reasonable count per dir if we don't limit it, even if the definition is internal. That way when the next project puts 80,000 files in a dir support and/or product can say hey, that's abuse so lets have no intent to fix -- then we can also properly benchmark performance for reasonability standards.
After profiling I found the biggest culprit to be the property access in the set_downloadability generator. Moving it out of the loop cut out about 8m function calls in my tests browsing 874 files. I saw between 45% - 80% speedup after this one change.
To test, just make sure the file browser still works. I recommend we set this to 'validation' until we can test it on the boost binaries folder in production.
Looks good to me.