Ability to disable commenting (per post or for the whole blog)?
Re-style the blog post display. Put 'Posted 1 year ago by author | Edit | Labels: label1, label2' at the bottom, after the content snip. Maybe put a 'read more' link at the end of the content snip.
Use HTML5 (w/ jQuery fallback) placeholder attrs for the subject and content inputs on New Post page so the default text disappears onfocus. Might be nice to auto-focus the subject input.
I don't think we need the date/time inputs on the New Post page unless we support future publishing. And if we do, that should be made clear.
Label the Labels input so user knows what it is.
'Older entries' paging, if we don't have it already.
Do we want an 'Archives' list in the sidebar, like WP? Could show post-count by month/year. Probably not necessary, but a nice-to-have someday.
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Turn discussion on/off in admin interface. Make sure it works and actually toggles discussion widgets on blog posts.
Paging. The blog index page should show pager controls at the bottom once there are enough entries to require paging. Default limit is 10. To test, create 3 blog posts and then go to /p/test/blog/?limit=1.
Draft posts should only appear on the index page for users that have 'write' perm on the blog app. Draft posts can't be accessed for viewing or editing except by users that have the 'write' perm on the post.
Blog posts should display an 'Edit' link if the user has the 'write' perm on the post.
Validation - shouldn't be able to submit a post w/o at least a title.
Aesthetics - make sure things look okay. Suggestions for further improvements welcomed.
status: in-progress --> code-review
assigned_to: Tim Van Steenburgh --> Rick Copéland
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the colon in the <label> for options wraps; it should probably be removed anyway.
the label and the input in the options template should be given an ID (the label should have the for= attribute, the input should have an id= attribute)
the status of the blog tool should be changed from 'alpha' (just removing the line in main.py is sufficient)
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List of things we need, in no particular order:
Disabling for the whole blog would be best, for now. I agree archives aren't necessary now.
Things to Test
Aesthetics - make sure things look okay. Suggestions for further improvements welcomed.
status: in-progress --> code-review
Some minor changes:
Looks good. Merged to dev.