To test, create or open an allura project as an admin.
Go to Admin -> Metadata
If the Discussion tool is installed, 'Discussion' should appear as an option under 'Support Page'. If Discussion tool is not installed, install it and it should become available as a Support Page option.
Select Discussion as the Support Page option and Save. Navigate away from the page, then come back, and Discussion should still be selected.
On the Tools page, delete the Discussion tool; then return to the Metadata page. The 'None' Support Page option should be selected and 'Discussion' should no longer be an option.
status: in-progress --> code-review
assigned_to: Tim Van Steenburgh --> Jenny Steele
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
To test, create or open an allura project as an admin.
On the Tools page, delete the Discussion tool; then return to the Metadata page. The 'None' Support Page option should be selected and 'Discussion' should no longer be an option.
status: in-progress --> code-review
(Forgot Jenny's going on vacation.) Sorry Rick, you are the next unlucky sucker.
Works as advertised. Merged to dev.