Test SFX & Allura usage of mongo 1.8
For sfpy testing, I upgraded to pymongo 1.11 and set the masters to a list (e.g. "mongodb://sft-mongo-1:25017,sft-mongo-1:25018") and the slaves to null. That might not be necessary since sfn-mongo is already a replica set (sfpy is changing from master/slave to replica set). But probably good to do anyway.
SOG can assist with sft-mongo-1 data if needed. To upgrade the RPM on a sandbox, something like this should work:
sudo yum -y remove mongodb
sudo yum -y remove mongo-stable
wget -c http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/x86_64/RPMS/mongo-10gen-1.8.1-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum -y install ./mongo-10gen-1.8.1-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm
Originally by: algorithms
Originally by: algorithms
I've done all the upgrading on my sandbox and have been using it since Thursday. I've run the test suites in both Allura and sfpy and I've explorer a large number of core site features that rely on mongo and they are working without incident.
At this point, there isn't much more I can think of. Everything seems to run well. I've had to make no code changes thus far.
Originally by: algorithms
Wasn't actually using the mongo servers when the tests run. Reconfigured to ensure new mongo servers would being used and got some tests that failed. Looking in to them.
Originally by: algorithms
Originally by: algorithms
updated some tests to work under mim and pymongo
to test, use the instructions above to upgrade your sandbox to 1.8. change the data base strings in test.ini to point to your local mongo install (pay careful attention to the database names, it is pyforge not allura). run tests