I replaced the forums in SuperPipe with phpBB. Now my projects main admin page lists the following text: "To use the forums, create a couple of forums, post introductory messages, and check out the spam controll/post moderation options." But there are no links there as I am using phpBB. Ditto for the Wiki section.
Either remove those sections or replace them with something relevant. (Like links to my phpBB forums.)
IMO, this main admin landing page needs lots of change - it has a lot of the same stuff as the tools page. Perhaps simply remove it and show the tools or metadata page as the main admin page.
I think the front page of the admin section is necessary to orient you to the process, but it may be that we can improve other admin pages to the point where this is not needed anymore.
For now I think we should just remove unused tools from this page. Further refinements should go in an new ticket.
Handling this in [#3593]