This may be related to some de-duplicating that we did on the user collection (dupe usernames), causing some references to be broken.
Module /var/local/allura/Allura/allura/templates/widgets/post_widget.html:9 in top-level template code << <p class="gravatar"> {% set size = value.parent and 32 or 48 %} {{lib.gravatar(, size=size)}}<br> <small><a href="{{}}">{{}}</a></small> <br> >> {{lib.gravatar(, size=size)}}<br> Module /var/local/allura/Allura/allura/templates/jinja_master/lib.html:15 in template << {% macro gravatar(user, size, className) -%} {% set display_name = h.really_unicode(user.display_name) %} {% if user.icon_url() %} <img src="{{user.icon_url()}}" alt="{{display_name}}" >> {% if user.icon_url() %} UndefinedError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute 'icon_url'
milestone: jul-22 --> jul-15
status: in-progress --> code-review