#2462 DuplicateKeyError on pyforge.user when adding a project

sf-2 (994)
Module sfx.sfx_main:171 in register_project
<<                  raise
               p = super(SFXProjectRegistrationProvider, self).register_project(
                   neighborhood, shortname, project_name, user, user_project, private_project)
               p.set_tool_data('sfx', unix_group_name=ug_name)
>>  neighborhood, shortname, project_name, user, user_project, private_project)
Module allura.lib.plugin:349 in register_project
<<                  users=[user],
               except forge_exc.ProjectConflict:
>>  is_private_project=private_project)
Module allura.model.project:578 in configure_project
<<              self.database_configured = True
                   self.notifications_disabled = False

           def add_user(self, user, role_names):
>>  ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
Module ming.orm.ormsession:191 in flush_all
<<      def flush_all(cls):
               for sess in cls._session_registry.itervalues():

>>  sess.flush()
Module allura.lib.stats:57 in inner
<<                  return func(*l, **kw)
                   with stats.timing(self.timer):
                       return func(*l, **kw)
               inner.__name__ = func.__name__
               return inner
>>  return func(*l, **kw)
Module ming.orm.ormsession:25 in inner
<<          def inner(session, *args, **kwargs):
                   before(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   result = func(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   after(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   return result
>>  result = func(session, *args, **kwargs)
Module ming.orm.ormsession:70 in flush
<<          if self.impl.db is None: return
               if obj is None:
                   st = state(obj)
>>  self.uow.flush()
Module ming.orm.unit_of_work:41 in flush
<<              st = state(obj)
                   if st.status == ObjectState.new:
                       inow(obj, st)
                       st.status = ObjectState.clean
                       new_objs[i] = obj
>>  inow(obj, st)
Module ming.orm.ormsession:25 in inner
<<          def inner(session, *args, **kwargs):
                   before(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   result = func(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   after(session, *args, **kwargs)
                   return result
>>  result = func(session, *args, **kwargs)
Module ming.orm.ormsession:82 in insert_now
<<      @with_hooks('insert')
           def insert_now(self, obj, st, **kwargs):
               mapper(obj).insert(obj, st, **kwargs)

>>  mapper(obj).insert(obj, st, **kwargs)
Module ming.orm.mapper:48 in insert
<<      def insert(self, obj, state, **kwargs):
               state.status = state.clean
>>  state.document.m.insert(validate=False)
Module ming.metadata:123 in inner
<<                  curried_args = [ getattr(self, argname) for argname in proxy_args ]
                       all_args = tuple(curried_args) + args
                       return method(*all_args, **kwargs)
                   inner.__name__ = name
                   return inner
>>  return method(*all_args, **kwargs)
Module ming.session:21 in wrapper
<<      def wrapper(self, doc, *args, **kwargs):
                   return func(self, doc, *args, **kwargs)
               except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure, opf:
                   opf.args = opf.args + (('doc:  ' + str(doc)),)
>>  return func(self, doc, *args, **kwargs)
Module ming.session:140 in insert
<<      def insert(self, doc, **kwargs):
               data = self._prep_save(doc, kwargs.pop('validate', True))
               bson = self._impl(doc).insert(data, safe=kwargs.get('safe', True))
               if bson and '_id' not in doc:
                   doc._id = bson
>>  bson = self._impl(doc).insert(data, safe=kwargs.get('safe', True))
Module pymongo.collection:275 in insert
<<          self.__database.connection._send_message(
                   message.insert(self.__full_name, docs,
                                  check_keys, safe, kwargs), safe)

               ids = [doc.get("_id", None) for doc in docs]
>>  check_keys, safe, kwargs), safe)
Module pymongo.connection:770 in _send_message
<<                  response = self.__receive_message_on_socket(1, request_id,
                       return self.__check_response_to_last_error(response)
                   return None
               except (ConnectionFailure, socket.error), e:
>>  return self.__check_response_to_last_error(response)
Module pymongo.connection:718 in __check_response_to_last_error
<<          if "code" in error:
                   if error["code"] in [11000, 11001, 12582]:
                       raise DuplicateKeyError(error["err"])
                       raise OperationFailure(error["err"], error["code"])
>>  raise DuplicateKeyError(error["err"])
DuplicateKeyError: (u'E11000 duplicate key error index: pyforge.user.$username_1 dup key: { : "niallr" }', "doc: {'username': u'niallr', 'tool_preferences': {}, '_id': ObjectId('4e1ff0d2b9363c1a3e0003b9'), 'tool_data': {'sfx': {'userid': 3471841}}, 'preferences': {'results_per_page': None, 'email_format': None, 'email_address': None}, 'open_ids': [], 'display_name': u'Niall', 'password': None, 'email_addresses': []}")


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2011-07-15
    • size: --> 2
    • status: open --> in-progress
    • assigned_to: Tim Van Steenburgh
    • assigned_to: Tim Van Steenburgh --> Rick Copeland ☕
  • I can't figure this out - punting to Rick.

  • Rick Copeland - 2011-07-18

    forge and forge-classic: rc/2462

    I believe this happens because sfx_api's upsert_user method doesn't actually upsert. So I made it upsert. QA is code review and setting it to validation so we can verify it's fixed in prod.

  • Rick Copeland - 2011-07-18
    • status: in-progress --> code-review
    • assigned_to: Rick Copeland ☕ --> Tim Van Steenburgh
    • status: code-review --> validation
    • assigned_to: Tim Van Steenburgh --> Rick Copeland ☕
  • Merged to dev.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2011-07-22
    • status: validation --> closed

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