Originally created by: cweiske
When opening https://sourceforge.net/p/phpfarm/code/commit_browser in Opera 11.50, I do not see the git log but an empty canvas.
The error log shows:
Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'tree[parent]' to object
Error thrown at line 1311, column 6 in https://a.fsdn.com/allura/nf/1312913660/ew/_slim/js?href=allura%2Fjs%2Fjquery-base.js%3Ballura%2Fjs%2Fjquery.notify.js%3Ballura%2Fjs%2Fsylvester.js%3Ballura%2Fjs%2Fpb.transformie.min.js%3Ballura%2Fjs%2Fallura-base.js%3Bjs%2Fcommit_browser.js:
var parent_x = x_space+tree[parent].column*x_space;
I'd love to be able to fix this, but given the list of other issues we need to look at and the fact that Opera 11 is not a supported browser I think this is one of those "we will accept any valid patch" cases.