e.g. A comment within [#2963] has a link to [#2913] but neither display related artifacts. It'd be good to show the relation on the top-level artifact (possibly with a #target to scroll to the comment)
summary: artifact references not being processed in prod --> artifact references within comments should be surfaced better
Description has changed:
--- old +++ new @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@-e.g. [#2963] has a link to [#2913] but neither display related artifacts.+e.g. A comment within [#2963] has a link to [#2913] but neither display related artifacts. It'd be good to show the relation on the top-level artifact (possibly with a #target to scroll to the comment)
Hmm, these references I just created worked now, so its intermittent or dependent on something..
#2963This is working fine for other tickets (