- Figuring out how to format text in a post is hard. Both of them requested we add formatting buttons like other forums had (will do this as a separate ticket). It might also help to rename the "Help" button "Formatting Help" and also change the sidebar link "Markdown Syntax Help" to "Formatting Help" because most people don't know what markdown is.
- Even when they found the formatting help, it seemed overwhelming in the giant popup window. One of them had trouble figuring out how to close it.
The dialog popup has grown very large over time, and is now cumbersome. It also is a lot of HTML that we load on each page.
Change the dialog to be loaded with ajax. Also it should show only the table of contents initially, and when you click on a link, expand just that one section. That should help it stay small visually, and easy to navigate. TOC can be adjusted however you see fit (e.g. tabs on the side or whatever).
In the sftheme repo
in the branch cj/3558:
In the allura repo
in the branch cj/3558:
To QA:
In any Allura project:
Run the tests for at least the ForgeWiki, ForgeTracker, ForgeBlog, and ForgeDiscussion apps.
Look for any other instances of the Markdown Syntax button or dialog that were missed.
Nice, merged to dev.