If you click the bulk edit link on the tracker index you may get a page with additional results in it. This only happens on some ticket statuses and is likely related to the slightly different queries they use.
On allura js/3920. To test, create a few tickets will different statuses. Remove one of those statuses from the closed/open status list so it doesn't show up in either. Now go to the ticket index page and click the bulk edit link and make sure you have the same results. Also try changing the sort on the index page and make sure the bulk edit correctly reflects that.
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I created 6 tickets, one with each of these statuses: open, accepted, unread, closed, pending, wont-fix. I removed 'unread' from both the open and closed status list. I found a few problems:
On the Tracker home page I see four tickets (open, accepted, unread, pending). When I click on Bulk edit I see the same 4 tickets, but if I sort the results on the Bulk edit page, the 'closed' ticket shows up in the results.
On the bulk edit view, I can't sort by ticket number or Milestone, and if I sort by Summary, the results are actually sorted by 'ticket_num_i'
If I sort by Milestone or Owner on the Tracker index page (while viewing the 4 open tickets), then click Bulk Edit, I get "No tickets found"
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Everything looks good except Milestone sorting on the Bulk Edit page still doesn't work correctly. I was able to sort milestones in desc order but not asc.
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On allura js/3920. To test, create a few tickets will different statuses. Remove one of those statuses from the closed/open status list so it doesn't show up in either. Now go to the ticket index page and click the bulk edit link and make sure you have the same results. Also try changing the sort on the index page and make sure the bulk edit correctly reflects that.
I created 6 tickets, one with each of these statuses: open, accepted, unread, closed, pending, wont-fix. I removed 'unread' from both the open and closed status list. I found a few problems:
On the Tracker home page I see four tickets (open, accepted, unread, pending). When I click on Bulk edit I see the same 4 tickets, but if I sort the results on the Bulk edit page, the 'closed' ticket shows up in the results.
On the bulk edit view, I can't sort by ticket number or Milestone, and if I sort by Summary, the results are actually sorted by 'ticket_num_i'
If I sort by Milestone or Owner on the Tracker index page (while viewing the 4 open tickets), then click Bulk Edit, I get "No tickets found"
Everything looks good except Milestone sorting on the Bulk Edit page still doesn't work correctly. I was able to sort milestones in desc order but not asc.
Fixed the milestone sorting.
Loks good, merged to dev.