Neighborhood admins should have a Statistics page which shows:
- number of public, private and deleted projects in the neighborhood
- number of public projects whose "last_updated" date is within the past 30, 60, and 90 days.
- link to a sub-page which has a table of admins per project. Use pagination, in case there are hundreds or thousands. For each admin display their name, username and email address.
For example:
DroidBionic niravdesai2-mmi Nirav Desai
DroidBionic prameelaoss PRAMEELA PATCHIGOLLA
DroidPro minniethomas Minnie Thomas
42cc tickets:
- #16: [3949] Gather statistics at neighborhoods level (3cp)
- #17: [3949] Show neighborhood statistics (2cp)
closed tickets #16 and #17
pushed changes into 42cc_3949
I skipped the ticket:16 commits since we didn't really need site-wide reporting, and they didn't do anything. I also made several changes myself. They were either faster to just make the change than explain it, or I had to do some exploration/testing before I knew exactly what I wanted changed. So here they are for your reference: