This page will show recent activity for the project. Figure out how/where this will fit into the UI. Stub it out with an empty controller method and html template.
Idea: create a tool that is set up like 'search' is, so that it is always installed and not removable/configurable and doesn't show up in the tool nav either. Yet not hardcoded into the platform, so other deployments of Allura don't have to use it. Then the project index e.g. /p/projectname/ would always show (or redirect) to the activity display page.
Include a config flag to control whether this shows up
You have to add
activity_stream.enabled = true
to production.ini under the [app:main] section to test this manually.run_tests
in ForgeActivity, I get an error:Changes pushed to same branch
Nice job. We may want/need more params on the script before we run it (to narrow down which neighborhoods and projects get the activity tool installed), but leaving as-is for now since I'm not sure how we'll want to run it.