Some issues found when testing the Allura vagrant box:
- need a way to easily get it up to date with latest code
- some files are owned by root, not vagrant
- would be nice to have the source files (and logs? more?) available as a mount so a local editor can be used (as opposed to ssh vagrant and using vim)
Created [#4559] for the folder mount and other changes.
allura:db/4539 has the changes, plus a few commits on dev already, so that I could make them part of the box I built yesterday. Code review would be good. Building a new box according to
takes quite a while, so I don't think that's necessary. You can download the new box file (that takes a while too) and test it, but I think you can skip that too - I'm showing some people how to get started with Allura and they will be using the new vagrant box.Related