#4567 Speedups needed for /nf/admin/add_subscribers


Followup to [#4449]. The mongo queries on /nf/admin/add_subscribers take too long to run in production (over 30 seconds).

My recommendation for a speedup would be this: after determining the tool/app from the URL, get the package name (e.g. for tickets, the package is "forgetracker"). Then when checking the Artifact models, only do artifacts whose packages starts with "forgetracker". That should limit the number of queries quite a bit.


Tickets: #4449
Tickets: #4567


  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-18
    • status: open --> in-progress
  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-18

    created #124: [#4567] Speedups needed for /nf/admin/add_subscribers (1cp)



    Tickets: #4567

  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-23

    closed #124, changes are in 42cc_4567

  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-23
    • status: in-progress --> code-review
  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-23

    We have reduced the number of requests from ~30 to ~2-5 on our testing database. This should be much better, but we think that the most faster solution would be using separate input boxes for neighborhood, project, tool mount point, ticket number.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-07-23

    We shouldn't have a hardcoded list of tools for get_tool_package. Allura is flexible and allows many tools to be installed, so this needs to be dynamic. I think you can use g.entry_points['tool'] to do a dynamic lookup

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-07-23
    • status: code-review --> in-progress
    • qa: Dave Brondsema
  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-24

    created #129: [#4567] Use dynamic list of tools (1cp)



    Tickets: #4567

  • Yaroslav Luzin - 2012-07-26

    closed #129, updated 42cc_4567

    • status: in-progress --> code-review
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-07-27
    • status: code-review --> closed
    • milestone: forge-backlog --> forge-jul-27

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