#4572 Tickets email replies buggy? Should send back notification if error [ss16]

Chris Tsai


The answer adress in notification emails looks like answers would be appended as comments to the ticket, for instance: sasunit:bugs 29@bugs.sasunit.p.re.sf.net See also attached message. Is this really intended to work like that? I think I have read this somewhere. If yes: I tried and it didn't. Please clarify, thanks, Andreas.

I tested as well, and the email took a while from send to when it was visible on site. I sent at 4:23p EDT, and it still wasn't visible when I checked before I left for the day (a little after 5). Though the api shows the post time as 4:54p.

On the other hand, the user's reply for their ticket never appeared.


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2012-09-05
    • milestone: limbo --> forge-backlog
  • Chris Tsai - 2012-09-26
    • labels: support --> support, p3
  • Chris Tsai - 2012-10-08

    Also, if there's some sort of error that prevents the message from posting, we need to notify the user (and optionally provide instructions to re-post via the web form?).

  • Chris Tsai - 2012-10-08
    • summary: Tickets email replies buggy? [ss16] --> Tickets email replies buggy? Should send back notification if error [ss16]

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