Using the 'allura' theme and a user name of "Administrator 1", comments by that user get truncated an you cannot see the "r" at the end of Administrator.
Using the 'sftheme' theme, the truncation is worse, affecting the date too (see screenshot linked from ticket description). Yaroslav has instructions for using sftheme.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Originally by: leotrubach
ok, we can use word-wrap CSS property to wrap usernames and tune margin/padding/width of p.gravatar to ensue that 99-99-9999 fits
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
created #134: [#4606] Names & dates truncated in threaded comments (1cp)
#4606Originally by: leotrubach
Hello! Here we have padding 10px to both sides of p.gravatar element. This issue was already fixed in commit e7b7b722 in development version
Please, take a look at this part of code in Allura/allura/public/nf/allura/css/site_style.css:
Using the 'allura' theme and a user name of "Administrator 1", comments by that user get truncated an you cannot see the "r" at the end of Administrator.
Using the 'sftheme' theme, the truncation is worse, affecting the date too (see screenshot linked from ticket description). Yaroslav has instructions for using sftheme.
Originally by: leotrubach
ok, we can use word-wrap CSS property to wrap usernames and tune margin/padding/width of p.gravatar to ensue that 99-99-9999 fits
Closed #134, changes are in 42cc_4606 branch. Please also check branch t135_4606_text_overflow in sftheme repository.
This is looking good, but the links on the right of a comment (Reply, Link, Edit, Delete) end up in the wrong place when using 'sftheme'
Created #143: [#4606] Fix sftheme (1cp)
#4606closed #143, pushed changes into sftheme repository, branch - 42cc_4606