Originally created by: kambi
We have just (today) upgraded our PasDoc project to Allura. And I noticed that the code browser on https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code shows at the top level only the trunk/ subdirectory, while our repository (both the old one, and new one created for Allura) contains also branches/ and tags/ subdirectories.
For example, in old repo:
$ svn list http://pasdoc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pasdoc branches/ tags/ trunk/ $ svn list http://pasdoc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pasdoc/branches/closed PasDoc2/ dodi/
Similar results in new repo, testing using svn+ssh protocol, "kambi" is of course my username on SF:
$ svn list svn+ssh://kambi@svn.code.sf.net/p/pasdoc/code/ branches/ tags/ trunk/ $ svn list svn+ssh://kambi@svn.code.sf.net/p/pasdoc/code/branches/closed PasDoc2/ dodi/
However, https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code only shows the trunk/ at the top level. Trying to manually enter a suitable URL to get into hidden subdirectories, like https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code/1326/tree/branches/ , results in "Error 500" page. I didn't see anything related to this at "Code" tool admin panel (I tried to "Refresh Repository", but it didn't seem to have any effect).
A probably completely unrelated bug is that, after some clicking on the commit browser, the main link https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code shows logs with revision 1324, like it was glued to this revision (clearing browser cache doesn't help), while the most recent revision is 1326. That is, https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code/ redirects (correctly) to https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code/1326/tree/ and it shows (incorrectly) that the most recent change was
[r1324] Add local jquery copy for tipue search...
while it should be
[r1326] ...
I can submit it as a separate bug, if you agree that it's a separate issue (unless it's already submitted by someone else).
Originally by: kambi
As an additional note to the 2nd issue (wrong commit revision shown): now (2 hours later) https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code/ shows
as the last commit (instead of showing latest revision 1326). I really don't know are the two issues (1. not seeing branches/ and tags/ in code browser, and 2. not seeing latest revision number in the main code browser page) related. In any case, code browser definitely shows something different than the repository actually contains.
Using the SVN commands directly shows the correct, latest and full, repository contents. I tested all protocols (svn, svn+ssh, http, https). Only the Allura code browser somehow shows weird things.
Originally by: kambi
The main problem mentioned in this bugreport disapperared sometime in December. For unknown reasons (I don't think that the import/analyzing etc. of the SVN repository with ~1300 commits took > month, especially when it seemed that it caught all revisions).
All subdirectories (branches, tags, trunk) are visible now on https://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/code .
The remaining trouble is that it still shows an old revision instead of the latest, I submitted this as separate issue in [#5514]. I think that this issue may be closed, unless you have some idea what caused/how to reproduce the problem I observed earlier.
#5514Thanks for the update. Glad it resolved itself :) If the issue comes back again, feel free to re-open the ticket (or a new one).