Links in the project wiki using the syntax "linkedPage#section" are broken. It used to work, but now the link refers to "linkedPage%23section", which prompts the creation of a new page with that name. See, for example, the links labeled "(more...)" at http://sourceforge.net/p/digicamscan/wiki/Home/ .
Also links with the following format also break, not just artifact links:
eg. svnnotify
Though if you include the domain, it works fine:
eg. svnnotify
Both of those examples work. The problem is with an artifact link as opposed to URL. [forge:community-docs:Subversion#adding-an-svnnotify-hook]
Oops, that was a bad example, this doesn't work:
Trac Doc
[Trac Doc](/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SVN%20adminrepo#Usingcvs2svntocreateaSVNdumpfilefromCVScontent)
But this works:
Trac Doc
[Trac Doc](http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SVN%20adminrepo#Usingcvs2svntocreateaSVNdumpfilefromCVScontent)
It looks like the only examples I can come up with all point to the old docs, so, perhaps this is just more incentive for me to do more work on getting new docs updated... I do have a lot of links in older tickets, etc. that this breaks though.
This works now, was fixed a while ago probably.