Originally created by: javierpaniza
The tracker should be use a different color for each row depending on the priority, or al least the priority should be shown as a column in the list.
I have just upgraded OpenXava from old SourceForge to Allura, and when I go to the list of bugs or new features in order to see which of them I have to attempt first I see that all the rows are in the same color, so I have to entry one by one in each entry to see the priority, it is very time consuming.
The colored rows of the old tracker was a very useful feature. Please, put it back.
If you go to Admin, Tools and then click on "Field Management" for you tracker then you can check the box for "Show in search" for the priority field. Then it will show up.
I'll leave this ticket open for the coloring, we might do that sometime.
Originally by: javierpaniza
Hi Dave,
thanks. The "Field Management" solution is good for me. Now I renamed 7 by 7-HIGH and 9 by 9-URGENT. In this way the high priority issues are highlight.