it seems Allura has a new feature to answer to forum posts via email. This sounds like a neat idea in theory, but there is a huge practical problem: When users reply to an email, their email client appends all the previous conversation! So on each reply everything that was said is repeated bloating needlessly the discussion on sourceforge. See a sample of this situation attached.
If you generally want to keep this feature, could you at least provide an option to disable this on a per-project basis?
This would also solve the stray auto-reply messages I am still getting due to this feature I already reported in another ticket.Thanks, Zenju
Attachment referenced is here: https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/1769/attachment/forum.PNG
One way I've seen other systems combat this issue is by starting the notification email with a one-liner:
--- Reply by typing above this line ---
So that way you don't get all the threaded "junk", and unnecessary signatures (which often include phone numbers and addresses that folks probably don't want on a public ticket anyway).
See also [#1782] which is very similar but suggests automatically detecting it.
Tickets: #1782
either removing unnecessary part, or disabling posting by email, both are ok.
any progress on this?