Originally created by: malat
I have migrated gdcm from the old git system to the new system. I had two git repository: gdcm and gdcmData.
gdcmData is a submodule of gdcm as in:
git submodule add git://gdcm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/gdcm/gdcmData
This case is not handled by the migration tool, it should be however clearly documented.
I don't think many git projects on SourceForge use submodules, so we have not addressed migrating submodules. We'll take it into consideration though.
Note that the classic git server was set up to allow for multiple separate repos (not technically submodules) within your project. All of those should have been upgraded with your project. I see that https://sourceforge.net/p/gdcm/gdcmdata/ was moved into your new upgraded project. I also see that the "gdcm" repo was upgraded, but renamed to "code" (that is intentional for repos whose name matches the project name - works well for projects with just one git repo). The audit log shows you've already figured out how to delete that "code" repo and create a new "gdcm" repo and import into it. So it seems like its working out ok for you now :)